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Alias Born 05/22/2017

Re: conix post# 76

Sunday, 11/17/2019 7:40:02 PM

Sunday, November 17, 2019 7:40:02 PM

Post# of 89
I worked at Papa John's as well as a salesman for caterpillar. They really do have much healthier ingredients than other pizzas like dominoes and Pizza hut. That's why the price is a little higher. If management stoops to low quality ingredients and changes the pizza I definitely won't be ordering it ever again. As a matter of fact I'm eating Papa John's right now. The one thing that they could really do to boost sales is stop the stupid commercials and start attacking the other companies with facts on TV about how absolutely unhealthy the other pizzas are. You get what you pay for. Papa John's has terrible marketing and that's the real problem here. Get a clue management.
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