Over here our state lottery (Ohio) spends money like drunken sailors.
The Hilton and Michelin 4 star restaurants in the state capital are apparently not conducive to solving the rocket science of running the lottery.
That takes junkets to Jamaica and the Bahamas to figure out why schools keep begging for passage of ever record setting levies in general
elections. After all, the original reason and passage for approval of the state lottery was to benefit the schools and we can't figure out why
so many of our urban public schools, dating from the 50's and older still have low GED rates, poor college attendance records, crowded
classrooms, leaking roofs and insufficient heating and air. Nothing that some champagne and hookers in a hot tub in exotic locales
can't solve. I think you should trust they'll be responsible with your investment.
How's Macron doing with that pesky Notre Dame irritation btw?