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Re: Jack_Bolander post# 37980

Wednesday, 10/23/2019 3:12:36 PM

Wednesday, October 23, 2019 3:12:36 PM

Post# of 59822
but the official PLUG Pr only mentioned the one prototype and never mentioned any other "concrete agreements".

so not sure why the MULAG factory guy is claiming they said otherwise..

it was people on message boards trying to spin things along.

PLUG may have inferred the next expected stage would be a 50 unit trial but never said any agreement existed or they would be the provider or even when that might happen. Like any pilot that initially looks successful (the device works and is well liked by users) anything can happen before the next stage is agreed on. Just learned that from the DoE projects...

I just hope PLUG got paid based on what they did, not on any quid pro quo pricing to do the pilot cheap.

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