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Re: 31twu post# 26750

Monday, 10/07/2019 4:24:26 PM

Monday, October 07, 2019 4:24:26 PM

Post# of 26773
My love for Jefferson's ended when they sold the company. I took a lot of pride in it including wearing hats and shirts when traveling through airports. I received plenty of positive comments.

I am slowly consuming my stash.

I will find a less costly bourbon.

I will however continue to buy Clontarf. Tastes Great and less costly.

I was in total wine on Saturday.

Obviously with the ownership changes, stuff is going to change. There was still no Straight Rye, Chef's Collaboration with Tobacco, and the Twin Oaks was not back on the shelves.

All were mentioned by Trey, that they were scheduled to be out by now.

Oh well. I was really looking forward to their release.
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