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Alias Born 11/15/2016

Re: againstallodds post# 1228

Friday, 09/20/2019 6:53:42 PM

Friday, September 20, 2019 6:53:42 PM

Post# of 1487
ARCI (now JAN) is playing the market for suckers.

It is Late September. Not a single filing can be found yet for Geotraq's module(s) on FCC website. I have been thru this regulatory process dozens of times over 30 years.

I noticed, any mention of Gregg Sullivan's Patent has been scrubbed from the Geotraq Website.

They'll be forced to Write off the Patent as it is of no marketable value.

ARCI/JAN. Will have to do a Write-Off. There is no way they can continue to carry this at Acquisition Cost. Especially since they padded this with a $10 Million Deferred Tax Asset.

They are hiding that in the Intangible Assets.

Now we see this latest Venture. Close inspection of Eric Bolling's Employment Agreement, he is going to pull down $550K a year plus benefits and the Issacs loaded him up with $1 Million in Stock Options of which 50% already Vested.

Not bad for a "Pitch Man". He is tainted though because he was sending Di** Pics to his Female Peers at Fox News.

I can have empathy for anyone who loses a child to a drug overdose.

However, one has to ask real questions here.

In Financial Analytics, it is and will continue to be a Red Flag when Managers go outside their known expertise.
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