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Re: Joe Master post# 56

Tuesday, 11/28/2006 7:00:25 PM

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:00:25 PM

Post# of 86
I think its reasonable to expect a dedicated person would ink some deals. They have just 1 for the year which is really just doing a rehab project on an adjacent building.

They really aren't giving anyone a reason to buy. There is no word on bingo bucks (something they were talking about possibly having done months ago) and nothing in the way of new halls.

In the end no growth on the horizon and some unmet expectations are whats keeping it in the dumps.

I might buy back in the .60's if it gets there but I have a sense we might see some actual losses in the future. The company is getting unusually quiet for folks that were boasting about exceptional results 6 months or so ago.

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