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Alias Born 08/15/2006

Re: Sarak post# 195259

Tuesday, 11/28/2006 5:15:25 PM

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:15:25 PM

Post# of 311077
This post makes no sense. Lawyers do NOT review financials, that's what accountants do. If they have the need to review them, something is very wrong, something outside the financials. Do you send your taxes to a lawyer for review before you submit them to the IRS???

The silence here is getting annoying. The company should be saying SOMETHING. If there is a gag order from the lawyers, then something is going on beyond the scope of the financials. Lawyers are for protection, which tells me they feel the need for such protection. If everything was fine, there would be no need to lawyer-up, and the AFs would be released.

You have a reply here that says what a rational post this is. Rational means logical, and I'm sorry it's just not logical. You have the right to your opinion, as I and everyone else here does. So I hope you're not offended by my response here. But we do need rational opinions here as well, and rational at this time is a bit on the grim side. People are still pumping this stock, and I honestly think it's in the hopes of getting some of their money back. Understandable. But that kind of "blind to the facts" pumping is more dangerous than bashing. I really hope you're right, I'd like a bit of my investment back as well. But at this time logic doesn't support an optimistic outcome here.

All this is just my opinion as well.

I"m not the smartest cookie.....but I"m not one of the crumbs at the bottom either.