I agree, we need to be "real" at this point after the wind was taken out of the sail. Most of my answers below are speculative.
1. Why did the Navy cancel the contract?. No idea. Omega may have been successful with raising the concern that TMPS could not handle it all. I think a new contract could easily be split between Omega and TMPS, and I actually think it's headed that way. To be really far fetched, I could see Johan Eliasch proposing a merger or he may even look to acquire Omega
2. Is TMPS re bidding? I know they were looking at some cargo opportunities
3. Is/Has TMPS bid/bidding on any other contract. IF so provide the solicitation #. They may choose to not go the DOD route
4. Who is the CEO? I don't believe a CEO has been officially appointed, but I'm willing to bet that Johan x 3 want to recoup their time and money, they are leading the charge
5. Why did they stop filing 2 years ago and when will they file again? The private and public side were so intertwined, it's taken a very long time to unravel. There were a lot of cross guarantees, which became problematic when Jack Gulbin's side collapsed and fell into trouble, this is when Johan Eliasch stepped in to provide cover fire. However, I don't think he realized the magnitude of it all. I also think Scott Terry had to remove himself from the company because of all the legal issues that transpired.
6. Why is the phone off if this company is doing business? I do find this concerning. However, they probably had retail investors and disgruntled business associates from Jack Gulbin's side clogging up the phone lines. If the Navy contract went through, I was anticipating a lot of changes to the overall structure, maybe even a name change