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Alias Born 02/28/2017

Re: None

Saturday, 08/31/2019 10:53:52 AM

Saturday, August 31, 2019 10:53:52 AM

Post# of 54917
For anyone new here . Show me another pink in your lifetime that has this pedigree

All you need to know about pred. Forget the noise, stay focused on the fundamentals and where this company is going.

Pred attorneys who facilitated all the m&a in the company .
Small Outfit !!

The Auditors who have had their name dragged through the mud BF Borgers rank number 7 in the entire country dealing with otc ! Deloitte are number 6 and KPMG are number 8!

Relative comparison pred v adpt

Similar but not exact business but very comparable

Pred revenue projected $55m
Adpt rev $55m

Adpt market cap $5b
Pred market cap $700m

Adpt revenue multiple 100x
Pred revenue multiple 12x

Adpt on nasdaq
Pred on way to nasdaq

Pps adpt $39
Pps pred $1-60

Number of products adpt 1
Number of products pred multiple

Adpt partners Microsoft
Pred IQVIA and ThermoFisher

Employees adpt 300
Employees pred 200 and growing

Only difference is time. It’s going to happen

Here’s everything else on pred

I know there’s a lot of excitement with this “big hitter” going after Hindenburg and the “shorts” and that’s great but it doesn’t help you today other than making you feel a bit better and having a white knight ride to your aid. It’s not important. The important things are listed below and the company fundamentals are continuing to improve.

One of our would be experts has pulled distorted financials out to validate his doomsday scenario. The company is surrounded by deep pockets, has never gone into the market for money and is cash flowing with increasing revenues, building out new facilities and hiring world class team.

A example of real world values in this field is adpt which just did an iPo and has a $6B market cap and a $40 share price. It has less revenue, relies on one product and the team is a shadow of the team in pred.It has about 10% of what pred has! This will be proven out.

Everyone would have loved to sell at $6-90 and buy back yesterday but 1% do that. You are not stupid. It’s the way it is. The company is legit, the people are legit and the relationships are legit. Don’t get caught in the short sighted daily game. Do you’re own homework, I’ve taken a lot of the work out of it for you below. It’s easy to fool one big guy into joining you but you can’t fool the best of the best in the medical world, pfe, tmo, as well as the best Kesha’s minds Wilson sonsini (their partner joined the board) , the top Nasdaq guys, form 10 through the second and also zacks did a full review

This will end and recover and we still have one of the best companies on the street and this will be proven out
Here’s the only thing that matters

Have to add cellsure to this now

The U.S. Cord Blood Banking (CBB) services market was valued over USD 17.2 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach over USD 49.09 billion at CAGR of around 12.2% during the forecast period. High awareness regarding benefits of cord blood (CB), tissue, and placenta storage coupled with increasing number of service providers offering services at competitive prices are the factors driving the market growth.

Here’s my 2 cents for what’s it’s worth
Classic bear raid and attack piece by this Hindenburg group that clearly states he’s short!
“Hindenburg Research (possibly along with or through our members, partners, affiliates, employees, and/or consultants) along with our clients and/or investors has a short position in all stocks (and/or options of the stock) covered herein, and therefore stands to realize significant gains in the event that the price of any stock covered herein declines. ”

Look at the logic here, the article was totally biased and used info that was completely incorrect to spook people and it worked.

Ex chairman (ex being the key) had sec issues. False and as shown elsewhere they were dropped so therefore no issues.
Company procedures and process are a fraud and don’t work, yet they are at world conferences releasing new data to the best in the world. Then TMO, one of the largest biotechs in the world does a partnership with them. Who do you think knows more!
Let’s look at the team, ex execs from Pfizer, ING, Wyatt, ex president of the American Medical Association, one of the leading senators over the last 100 years and the list goes on.
The leading attorneys when it comes to biotech Wilson sonsini (they probably have a good idea what’s going on internally) the ex senior counsel and ex president of nasdaq is leading their Nasdaq uplist process.

Let’s also look at the fundamentals
Form 10 passed 30 days ago! If any of this article was remotely true then the would never have passed sec scrutiny and got their form 10!

Revenues growing q over q! I’m assuming this Q will be the same.
IQVIA (multi billion dollar company) leading one of their fda trials
Major partnership with ThermoFisher

It’s hard to look at but this will all wash out and company will uplist and get it’s true value point when the big boys come in. Right now it’s easy to scare retail investors and this was their last chance and they took it. It’s shitty and unfair but it’s the way the market works.

As I always say, do your homework and know what you own

All the recent press and it’s extensive