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Alias Born 11/22/2003

Re: NYBob post# 3535

Thursday, 08/29/2019 4:26:13 PM

Thursday, August 29, 2019 4:26:13 PM

Post# of 3564
CFO Mark Learmonth Discusses Caledonia's Q2 2019 Financial Results
Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc
Published on 15 Aug 2019 -

Presentation: Caledonia Mining Corporation -
121 Mining Investment New York 2019 Spring

GOLD is Father GOD'S Money!
by Robert Kiyosaki says -

God made gold and silver.
Man made paper to replace gold and silver as money.
Throughout the history of mankind
ALL paper currencies have failed.
It's an inevitable consequence of paper
lacking intrinsic value of gold and silver... simple.
Propaganda to the contrary is an attempt to deceive people
out of their money, their value, the fruits of their labor,
their life savings, their future as independent people
living comfortably as a result of hard work and
planning for retirement their entire adult lives.
All of this is at risk for anyone trusting in paper
or electronic currency, which are only substitutes
for the real money, God's money, gold and silver.

Stephen Moore of the Heritage Foundation and Sarah Bloom Raskin,
former Federal Reserve governor, discuss Trump's nominees
to the Fed with CNBC's "Closing Bell" team.

In GOD We Trust -

Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -

by The Founding Fathers for your -

Rights, Liberty and Freedom -

God Bless America
opinion appreciated

My opinions are my own and and DD I post should be confirmed as unbiased

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