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Alias Born 06/28/2017

Re: bananarama post# 168705

Wednesday, 08/28/2019 11:12:45 AM

Wednesday, August 28, 2019 11:12:45 AM

Post# of 284488
If it looks like pennystock, acts like a pennystock...its probably a pennystock

A-man...It is just hard to believe that with all of this good news, the KBLB share price is not moving up but rather it is showing a downward tendency.

Until KT starts informing us lowly shareholders of the goings on regularly (corporate structure, financially, and operationally) people are going to believe that either nothing is going on or continue to blow their "DD findings" out of proportion and be severely disappointed whenever actual news comes out stating we are much less along than some predicted. People are desperate for news/reassurance that their hard earned dollars aren't going to get flushed down the drain like most pennystocks. "DD" from facebook, foreign news sites, and inaccurate news articles is not going to cut it anymore and the share price is reflecting that.

KT could certainly alleviate some of these skepticism by giving us some regular updates, pictures, or the slightest idea to anything that our monies are invested in. He hasn't done this in the past 8yrs ive been here so i don't expect anything different now.

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