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Alias Born 01/29/2002

Re: Destroyer67 post# 135

Wednesday, 08/28/2019 10:52:16 AM

Wednesday, August 28, 2019 10:52:16 AM

Post# of 178
Hi D67, Re: Bargain Basement Dept...............

KHC continues to baffle me. I figured by now any short sellers weould have
been greedy enough to start closing their positions out. It's just pennies
off its 52 Week Low now but I guess that zero in the P/E column isn't
attracting much love.

I have been watching the Accumulation/Distribution line for some sign of a
change but haven't seen much but confusion in the last year. There was some
accumulation this year up to the start of August but it's been distributing
shares ever since.

I usually like to be buying when W%R is in the negative 80 range or
deeper. So that part of the chart is confirming the heavy selling we've
been seeing since 08/01/19. At this point I'll most likely wait a month
before accumulating any more shares. I added some on 8/17 at just under
$25, so will wait on another sequential buy.

Buy from the Scared; Sell to the Greedy.....

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