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Alias Born 06/28/2017

Re: EOT post# 167057

Tuesday, 08/13/2019 10:32:22 AM

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 10:32:22 AM

Post# of 284299
Something doesn't seem right with the table of values listed here...It looks like that $42M is a power of 1000 too high. Maybe the result of the table in the link?

Column 4 shows the values of the securities x 1000, if Tower Bridge owns 100,000 shares of kblb at say $0.42, thats $42,000, not $42,000,000. As a sanity check look at 3M. They have 98,981 shares, multiply that by todays share price of $167 you get $16.5M, pretty close to the $17.2M listed in the table...not $17B.

Also, is Tower Bridge Advisors' portfolio really worth $893,000,000,000? That is more than most very famous portfolios.
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