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Alias Born 04/17/2013

Re: None

Wednesday, 07/17/2019 8:23:29 PM

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:23:29 PM

Post# of 380519
The NTEK/NTGL faux, unelected, unnominated "CEO" DAVID RUSSELL FOLEY (aka "DaFoleyFelon", "DaFoley-Coyote", "PathologicalDaveyLiar", "USBOP Inmate No. 13141-111" et al) is a megalomaniac psychopath just like Ted Bundy. These guys never kill themselves. They think waay too highly of themselves and waaay too lowly of everbuddy else to ever CONsider suicide.

Up until the last few days before his execution, Bundy thought he would find some way to weasel ~OUTT of it, just as I am shure DaFoley-Coyote thinks he will find some passage ~OUTT of DaHouseOfPain awaiting him in Beaumont, Texass.

Remember how DaFoley-Coyote (Animal Control Tag # 13141-111) really bleeved the nonsense that he'd never go to prison and his obviously doomed, foolish appeals would save him. Right up until 15 June 2015 I think he didn't deep down bleeve he was going to prison. Delusion and denial are very, very strong in these narcissistic psychopaths.

Hitler didn't give up hope in his fortunes and innate ability to overcome any obstacle until the Red Army was literally 600 meters away from Die Bunker and artillery shells were landing 30 meters above at the bunker entrance. Any SANE military general knew the war was lost after the 1942 second offensive (Case Blau) stalled and was countered by strong Soviet forces from Siberia. Butt psychopaths like Hitler really honestly thought they would win the war, even as late as March 1945 when no sane person, even with no military knowledge, could see it was obviously lost.

Nah, Hitler is the rare exception to the rule - he suicided only because the Rooskies were a few blocks away and he didn't fancy being tortured and his corpse humiliated like Mussolini's was just weeks before in Italy (hung naked upside down in a town square). Butt, unlike the situation in the Bunker on 30 April 1945, nobuddy is coming to kill DaCoyote, so he won't off himseff. Of that I am kwite shurr.

Lease-Me-Cheaply-Lisa is too dumb to really understand what she faces, and a cuppla years in Dublin is no huge deal. Her hell-on-Earth will be when she's at haffwhey house and has to gett a real yobb and work. And then she faces a life as an old maid, broke, with no education, no real work experience, and no future. Best case she winds up a receptionist at a health club or a dental office. Living in a shitbox apartment. Driving an old KIA. Getting endless letters from Beaumont axing her, pleading with her to, put a few bucks in DaFoley-Coyote's commissary account.

Nah, the future for these two criminoles is a bleak, demeaning, soul-crushing existence. And neither of them has either the cognition to realize it nor the balls to off themselves to avoid it.

DaCoyote - he's just plain nuts. Seriously mentally ill. No joke. He's a Ted Bundy without the murders under his (expanding) belt. The general term is "criminally insane", butt it's more than that with DaCoyote - he is a megalomaniacal psychopath.