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Re: Jim Beem post# 98063

Wednesday, 06/19/2019 1:52:31 PM

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 1:52:31 PM

Post# of 186029
I read ALL of your posts (I dug into your profile) because I wanted to learn more about your contrarian POV. I think its good - it helps me check my DD and thesis for investing VRUS.

I want to address your concerns:

1.) VRUS 50% Haircut - I've only really been trading stocks for a little over a year, but have quickly learned there are only a few outcomes to conference calls. Great news, price flies; bad news or news we already know, price drops. I called it yesterday morning that VRUS would correct down to .026 b/c I thought it was all HYPE for what could be released at the conference call. We received good quality, honest updates about the business and people sold. Point being, WHO DIDN"T KNOW IT VRUS WOULD DROP A LITTLE TODAY? Not shocking. 50% haircut, not happening, the .01s are done. However, rest assured if we head that direction I am happy to buy more at the bargain basement price for the following reasons....

2.) CC Blew it, No MOMO, No Catalyst - Was any outstanding news released, eh, probably not, but was quality news and updates released, absolutely. Here are some highlights: 1.) 2 very late stage acquisitions possible, with the CFO traveling to check on of them out. 2.) BLF launch in the coming 2 weeks 3.) 750K retailers for BLF products and Anshu believes we can get double digit % of these retailers -- that's atleast 75K. We are trading at .03 at pretty much break even (theres profit, but lets just call it breakeven). Now, think about where we will be price wise when we factor 75K retail outlets into that revenue. 3.) Garnock is a passionate, dedicated investor in VRUS 4.) VRUS is looking at distribution channels for fragrances and cosmetics in the middle east (insert garnocks products here as synergy, possibly) 5.) triple digit growth through 2020 WITHOUT changing any part of the business. 6.) $1 invested = $9 of revenue from the CFOs mouth. Also many more, but this will be a long post.

That's at least 6 possible catalyst.

3.) MJ Connection - Per Anshu they are not interested in MJ. I think this is an excellent, very important nugget. VRUS is focused on WHAT THEY DO. Meaning, the CEO understands what market he is trying to target and why...he is not interested in chasing "hot" markets and general fads. He wants to sell across the grocery store in all different sectors. I found a lot of confidence in his lack of interest in MJ.

3a.) His knowledge of the grocery industry and grocery distribution business was extremely reassuring. He had depth in his insight and focus on where he thought VRUS should play and why.

4.) Garnock Connection - Garnock is here; I'm here as long as he's here. What other OTCs play or normal big board plays have investors like Garnock. No, supposedly there is MJ connection here, good see above. Let me give a different view -- go look at Garnocks resume', you can assume alot and speculate on things, but one thing that is not debatable is his finance/investment IQ. He, apparently, has a very high level of acumen when it comes to corporate strategy, finance, investments and OVERALL financial success. I find it hard to believe that a person with his track record and background in hedge funds, entrepreneurship etc etc cannot find a better place to park a few million dollars.

There is a reason he is here; there is a reason he has CHOSEN vrus as an investment vehicle. Finance/investments are about return -- savy investors want the best return. Clearly, for whatever reason, whether it be trust in Anshu or their business plan/potential or their synergy with his business, Garnock CHOSE to invest here.

Again, there is a reason.

5.) OTC Play - One of your posts says there is no long term stocks in the OTC, blah blah blah...etc etc. I think you are right. I don't play around in the OTC except in VRUS -- i think where you are wrong is that Anshu, MKR, and VRUS actions continue reiterating that they are not and DO NOT want to be an OTC play. Anshu has made it clear they are focused on uplisting -- if that's where they are headed, then they aren't an OTC play. All companies have to start somewhere.

6.) Disney Deal - I'll agree with you here. The Disney deal didn't seem to work out - i would have liked more transparency and in the past weeks i had been researching this deal b/c I didn't think we were seeing any progress in the financials and it seemed to slip off the radar in recents PRs. My take aways -

a.) the deal didn't work out, margin's were not good - smart companies pivot. It seems like Anshu pivoted - he saw a better opportunity to make substantially higher margins in BLF so he targeted and jumped on it. I didn't get the sense he has abandoned the Disney just seemed from the call yesterday that there were better opportunities for VRUS and our money we have invested.

Pivoting + looking out for the shareholder are what makes good companies. If this was his reasoning, I applaud him.

7.) This is bad - I think everything involving VRUS points in the right direction, understanding it is high risk and high reward. This is my investment thesis - every action they have taken has helped us shareholders, answered our questions candidly (yesterday ....and he kept answering until there were no more callers...he didn't set a time limit),they seem to be growing the business at a rapid pace and getting people involved that are accredited and successful, they have even responded to the noise we made about Etrade and worked toward a solution. Until otherwise noted, VRUS has doing everything well so far and has really put us as shareholders first.

How many times did Anshu say my concern is growth and shareholder value, yesterday? I know at least 3 times in regards to the RS question......key fact you can say one thing and do another, but their actions ALL OF THEM have shown they are focused on the shareholder.

8.) Lagniappe - I will stay long until any of the above factors change. SHMP ran on nothing, just momentum. We have revenues, we have a shareholder friendly group with eyes on uplisting and a dedicated IR team to help make that happen. I think patients and understanding that business takes time to develop is key in this investment - the right people are on board and LITERALLY seem to be taking action every single day b/c they have accomplished a lot in a few months.

Is this risky, sure....but even SHMP retraced before is blew sky-high. I'm staying right here and gave you 8 reasons above....and the 9th is that the fiancier of BLF is waiting on .10 to cash their position in (talk about belief in a business plan -- and keep in mind they were privy to it) 9 reasons why i think your contrarian view is important, but misguided. If nothing else, go invest your money somewhere else, but to me you are taking much more risk with MUCH MUCH less growth potential.

SO,case in point, find me a better investment than VRUS with the same qualities and success so far with such high octane explosive growth? I'm all ears.