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Alias Born 04/17/2013

Re: None

Friday, 06/14/2019 5:03:44 AM

Friday, June 14, 2019 5:03:44 AM

Post# of 380516
This is friggin' delicious. DaFoleyFelonReCONvicted is gonna twist, twist, twist in the wind slowly over the next cuppla/few years as his financial state deteriorates further, he getts evicted from 311 Santa Rosa, he and LarcenousLisa are indicted and arrested, and the SEC and DOJ tag team both of them to a nasty, brutal ending. leaving PathologicalDavey in a Medium shithole for more than likely the remainder of his scheming criminole life and making high skool grajoo8 and debutante LarcenousLisa learn to sleep in the open bunks at Dublin for a cuppla years. Mebbe she can learn a skill - like HVAC repair, so she can gett a real yobb when she's released on probation.

This is soooo entertainin' - the non-answer "Dindoo Nuffin" Answer was a bit funny, butt the BK judge/magistrate audio recording of the 06 Juni 2019 hearing is a blast. I've lissened to DatThang six times now and I never gett tired of it. In fack, it getts more entertaining each time I hear it and pick up more and more of the sighs, intonations, pauses, and word choices and their flavour.

I love the looong pause by DaJudge at 5:25 when he says:

"The Debtor is facing some .... (long pause where DaJudge wants to say insurmountable and then thinks better of it and hunts for a softer word and comes up with significant to be more polite) .... significant obstacles."

The audio of the hearing has soooo many hidden gems. I've gone thru three boxes of Raisinets, a Charleston Chew (vanilla), and a Marathon bar (so far) just lissening to it over and over.

I cannot wait for the indictment and arrests!!! Butt I must be patient whilst the SEC slowly, remorselessly crushes DaFoleyFelonCrimeFambly in the discovery gearbox of torture and aids DaPathologicalDavey into innumerable perjury traps, admissions, document forgeries, and boxing himself in to untenable positions that will vex him in the criminole trial.

All good things take time. And the methodical disassembly of DaFoleyFelonCrimeFambly and DaPathologicalDaveyCONvict will be such a good, good thing. And one can feel good about watching it unfold, as no human beings worth a damn will be sacrificed - only subhuman detritus and street garbage (i.e., DaFoleyFelonReCONvicted and LarcenousLisa). Oh shure, CooperatingBennie (who has already handed over his email communications wiff DaFoleyFelonReCONvicted to the SEC and, indirectly, to an unnamed group in San Francisco - LOL!) may do a bit of Time in DaHole, butt CooperatingBennie will just go to a Low Camp, and only for prolly less than 2 Jahren if he testifies as proffered. DullardBruvfahJeffy - I think he may only gett probation if he also is fully compliant, as he has been so far in the civil SEC case. I will attend the criminole trial furshirley, as it'll be in DaBayArea - most likely Sanna Zaye and I'm going to enjoy watching DullardBruvfahJeffy testify against USBOP #13141-111 and LarcenousLisa. I love a good interfambly sell~OUTT and can't wait to see the seething evil eye that DaPathologicalDavey casts upon his older bro in the witness box. That's a Junior Mints moment right there!

The SEC trial will be in Chiberia (a/k/a ChiCago) in a court I've spent a fair bit of time in, so I may attend that SEC trial just for funn - as a warm-up to tide me over until the criminole trial that will be prolly 18 months later - mebbe even two years or more - one can really drag ~OUTT criminole trial dates a lott if counsel wants to slow play their losing hand. Butt the longer it takes, the more munny the criminole defense lawyers make, and I know DaFoleyFelonReCONvicted just cannot stand and really, really hates paying lawyers, witch is Y it will be delicious even if he plays for time and delays. The alternative wood B to use a jackhandle freebie CJA lawyer who, frankly, ain't worth squat and will add an extra 7 years of so to his already-gonna-be-de facto-life sentence.

I know readers can tell from this post that I'm excited! I am.

Hell, I just decided now I WILL attend the SEC trial in Chiberia, even if it's in DaWinter. Last time I was there was in December and January and it was cold as hell - I stayed at the Fairmont and the winds off the lake were brutal, just horrible - even for me having grown up in DaNorffWoods witch is generally a LOTT kalter than ChiCago. That 40+ kt wind blowing westward off Lake Michigan was just turribull kalt. Butt, if conditions require, I will tuff it ~OUTT and attend no matter whut. And then I'll give all y'all running courtroom updates on DaHub in DaEvenings. Timingwise, I'd expect the SEC trial to actually begin next Spring or early Summer. DaJudge will prolly docket a trial date in January, butt the first trial date generally getts pushed back at least twice before the actual trial commences. With a lott of motion practice, the trial could even slip to next Fall or Winter (that's 2020 for those keeping score at home). Depends on a lott of factors that we can't forecast at this time.

I hope the bailiffs allow me to sneak in my Raisinets and Chuckles into the courtroom. Gonna be a blast of a show!!!!! I will have to struggle to suppress the urge to laff.

Stay tooned for the 18 June BK hearing to lift the automatic stay and lett the lenders auction 311 Santa Rosa so a new owner can begin eviction proceedings and send DaFoleyFelonCrimeFambly packing to Alviso.

Dirksen Federal Bldg - where the sheet is gonna go down