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Re: Tr8dervic post# 10

Sunday, 05/26/2019 3:00:11 PM

Sunday, May 26, 2019 3:00:11 PM

Post# of 883
On Q1 conference call, CEO says AT&T approval is imminent and expects sales of UV-350 in US by Q2. So in the next 5 weeks, we should get a pr saying AT&T has approved UV-350 for US sales. Was very optimistic on call, saying a few US companies have tested and were all positive about device.

Been waiting several years for this to happen. CEO said US approval was much harder than Canada, Israel, etc. Said AT&T was very protective of their network and so required many revisions to hardware and software.

Verizon also testing but expected to approve soon after AT&T.

CEO says US markets many times bigger than any other so expecting 100K units/yr once they get going. At $1,000/unit, that's $100million/yr opportunity, which would be massive for Siyata.

Should find out pretty quick if he's blowing smoke or finally right about launch.

Please post stock symbols first in all your posts. If it's a foreign stock, please list the US pk equivalent symbol.

If the Commodities Boom is Over, I am just a Gold Bug headed for the Windshield of LIFE

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