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Alias Born 09/08/2006

Re: siriusadult post# 2043

Thursday, 11/16/2006 4:54:30 AM

Thursday, November 16, 2006 4:54:30 AM

Post# of 9101

I am not at all bashing the stock but it seems that it has been in a quiet period since I bought in. I've called their offices, Telkonet's I mean, and gotten answers back and i guess it is just a waiting game. I believe in the company and that is why I have stayed with it. I don't agree with the way that management has done things but hey, I'm just a guy typing stupid messages on a message board.

As of late Sirius, why have you been so down on TKO? A while back, I remember reading your posts and seeing how enthusiastic you were with TKO. Even with GLL, she was so enthusiastic with it but now it has grown silent. It seems like TKO is the Bi Polar Express. If GLL is a real person in the know about TKO, she said that TKO's 3Q wouldn't be that great and stock may go down a little bit. That is just what it did as of late. If I remember correctly, Sirius, didn't you, LAKINGSphan and GLL all have a discussion on the side where you all became in the know of what is going on with TKO? We all appreciate your great DD about TKO.

Buying stock is all speculation, as you all know. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't get spooked sometimes about TKO. Another one that I am down a lot of money is XSNX. On these two stocks, I am down a lot of money but it I am still in the game because I own company stock.

In the end, yes, I have lost some sleep about my investments but it is the game and I like it. All you guys are in the game and I think that everything will pan out.
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