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Re: Peter Penny post# 84584

Sunday, 03/31/2019 3:52:15 PM

Sunday, March 31, 2019 3:52:15 PM

Post# of 112650
See that's where you have gone wrong. You claim that 90% of things Jason has not followed through with. However you are wrong in that assessment. Jason said he wanted to get this shell re-registered. Check. Jason said he wanted to work on clearing out the Chinese shares. Check. Jason said he wanted to do several acquisitions. Araloc, Webarc, N8 (not done yet). Check. Jason said he wanted to expand his sales pipeline to be worldwide. Check.

You claim Jason's done nothing, but at the same time he's done more that you give credit for.

The timeline doesn't always match up to what he says it should, I will give you that.... at the same time, things are getting done. FACT!

I read something recently from Bullmarket stating and I do quote "Some people don't understand that investing in equities is investing in FUTURE cashflows." That's exactly what several longs on this board are doing. Investing in their perception of future data443 cashflows. What's the problem with that? I mean this thing is dirt cheap in terms of market cap. Any type of sales coming in would be bullish. Nothing wrong with speculating on this being a great buying opportunity.

Not gonna try to change your mind bro. That ship sailed a long time ago. All I care about is the truth and getting to it. All the rest inbetween is speculation. You, me, anyone who posts on this board. All speculating what is really happening. However, when I see people calling out others and claiming they know better than others do when all I see is speculation, I will say what i feel is right. Same as you. Always respect, but at one point in time I saw both you and Bullmarket rail on people who talked out about LDSR when they didn't own shares. I find it hypocritical and simply see the same thing happening here with both of you.

As for your post, you made some good points to ponder, yes. However, you are speculating on Classidocs sales, Araloc sales, Jim Coyne's desire to join up with this. BC's intentions.. Etc. I will say 100% with truth, Jim is underwater with the shares he was issued back in October for the acquisition. Wonder how he feels about all this talk of LDSR being in a toxic spiral and all of this ending soon? That would be quite bad for business, no?? Oh and his shares he can't sell until October 2019... That would suck for him.... Oh and Jason as well seeing as how he hasn't had his shares issued yet either. LOL! You don't get rich when your stock never gets off the ground when you get shares. Where's the pump in that???

Something tells me both Jim Coyne and Rory Welch know a lot more than even the best speculators on this board. Something tells me Kory Patrick, Practice Manager – Risk & Security Services for TEKsystems know's what Jason and Data443 are bring to the table when they offered to throw their hat in the ring with Jason in 2018.

So who are we to believe? You, or the insider actions?

Sorry bro, I'll take the insider activity all day.

As for sales reps. Speculation on why the sales players left and why Data 443 found new ones. The key here is data443 found and hired new ones. Would be a lot more concerning if they weren't rehiring positions.

Robert Mercer... still around. Over 1 year in. What's he doing hanging out as the head of sales if this wasn't producing? Why didn't he bail a long time ago?

Good luck Mr C. in all your future trades.

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