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Alias Born 04/17/2013

Re: None

Friday, 03/29/2019 2:50:03 AM

Friday, March 29, 2019 2:50:03 AM

Post# of 380521
I'm purty shure I wrote this before, maybe nott on this bored tho.

A married man has a real simple two-part job in life:

(1) Provide a safe environment for your family. Basic shelter, clothing, food, clean water, sanitary conditions, education, and instill decent morals, habits, and behavior in your kid(s).

(2) Stay ~OUTT of prison.

That's it. That is all it takes to be a successful married man.

It's nott hard.

Yett DaFoleyFelonReCONvicted has screwed it up - nott just once butt now TWICE.

Worse, in this iteration he's dragged his wife and brother down with him. As a result, this time he fails at BOTH parts of the job. He won't be able to do (1) or (2) now.

All because he is irresponsible and his ego is far too large for his very modest capabilities.

I work with lots of people who have large egos, are arrogant, and have terrible interpersonal skills. Butt I never begrudge arrogance as long as the person can back it up. I work with lots of people who have never met the concept of humility, think they are the cat's pajamas (I think someone may object to that idiom), and are overconfident/overestimate things. I do not mind that - when those people have the smarts and/or the knowledge and/or are exceptionally good at what they do. It may be more pleasant for others if they were not total duckheads as often as they are, butt at least they have a basis for their acting that way.

What I have trouble with are idiots like DaFoleyFelon who are self-delusional and think they are smart/knowledgeable/competent/capable when they are nott - far from it. I can and do suffer geniuses and difficult high-performers, butt I have real trouble suffering idiots who think they are geniuses and high-performers when they aren't.

Wile E. Foley is one of the latter group. He either is unaware of his very limited abilities and mental horsepower, or he is aware of how limited he is butt he's in denial and is actively ignoring that fact. His fundamental prollem is that he thinks he is much, much more than he is, so he is always far ~OUTT over his skis playing at levels above where he can be competent. Truly he is delusional in a mental health sense.

So instead of focusing on and being satisfied with fulfilling the two basic tasks of a married man, he believes he needs a house that is far larger than needed by a three person fambly - and now he loses it all. He feels he deserves more money and status, so he lies and scams to obtain it, then pisses it away on crap like an unnecessary Maserati and Lisa's Mercedes. Result, now they won't need cars, because you can't drive in prison. He thought his kid needed to go to schools in a 'good area' so now the kid will wind up who-knows-where as his parents and uncle head to prison. Another failure of Wile E. Foley.

He had two simple tasks as a married man. He's failed them both, even after experiencing the prior failure of (2) while he sat in Taft for Round One. He learned nothing.

Nott only has he failed in his two basic jobs, he's inflicted damage on many other people, the Ultracade, Nextune, NTEK, and NTGL employees, shareholder-victims, guys like Petey Riordon, Jim Rossi, Ivan Gulas ("Goulash John"), the taxpayers, the poor ever-training sales associates at Best Buys nationwide, people in the entertainment content licensing biz who have black marks on their personal history for doing deals with Deadbeat Wile E. Foley-Felon, the stiffed landlord at 2450 Kruse, Caliber Mortgage, Countrywide Bank, credit card companies - including all those cardholders who will pay for TheFoleys' credit card defaults, and a parade of others who've suffered from Wile E. Foley and his hare-brained schemes (no, my rabbit is MUCH smarter than Wile E. Foley - so change that to hair--brained schemes!).

DaFoleyFelonReCONvicted can be summarized in just two words: bad peeples.

What causes more damage and capital destruction than a wild bull in a china shop? An idiot who thinks he can play ball in Silicon Valley when he can't even play a respectable game of tee ball at Tobey field or DeWolf field in the little village of Kittery, Maine.

Clown Wile E. Foley has destroyed many lives with his unwarranted hubris, greed, and incompetence - including his own and his family's.

And it is really such a simple two-element test to succeed at life, one is left shaking their head and wondering "What the HELL could he have possibly been thinking?" Then you look at the history of endless lies, fraud, theft, imprisonment - and he never learned. Nott one bit.

And all he really needed was a simple house or apartment, a simple job that he was competent to do (hell, drive a bread truck), a bus pass or a simple used car like a Corolla, and time to spend with his family. That was it.

And he BLEW it. After many chances and even his first stint in prison.

And he's STILL doing it in his bullshit Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings. Fifty bucks to five bucks - total spending and cash on hand for a month. Crazy. This joker is incapable of being truthful at ANYTHING.

Maybe he really belongs at Atascadero state hospital for the criminally insane.
