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Alias Born 03/08/2019

Re: None

Saturday, 03/23/2019 11:01:46 PM

Saturday, March 23, 2019 11:01:46 PM

Post# of 1339
Hope to hear that Pharmagreen is ready to go with financing for the Cannabis Biotech Complex this week. Alliance CEO said in February it would be in the coming weeks. Also hope to hear more on the construction progress for the Biocannatech grow operation in Quebec.

The Pharmagreen financing is out of their control as a minority partner so not much they can do to speed things up. If Pharmagreen fails to get financing Alliance could use the their capital to expand the Quebec operation to include a Pharmageen Tissue Culture Lab at that location.

Either way I'm hoping to hear something on the future direction of the company soon. Fingers crossed.