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Alias Born 03/12/2015

Re: None

Saturday, 03/23/2019 2:59:59 PM

Saturday, March 23, 2019 2:59:59 PM

Post# of 53727
Price to Earning Ratio Analysis.....Stock is Undervalued

Earning has grown by 27% from Q1 to Q2. If we assume earning will continue to grow at this rate as a conservative estimate, we come up with the following:

I used a couple of sources tonlook at a typical P/E ratio for the gaming/casinos industry. The average P/E ratio is about 20.

If I use a forward P/E of 20, based on an earning of 2 million dollars, I come up with a price of 40 million dollars. This means that the market cap of GMGI based on a forward earning of 2 million dollars should be 40 million dollars.

The current market cap right now is 8.8 million at share price of 0.0031. Using a P/E ratio of 20, the stock price should rise to 0.014, which is about 350% increase relative to the closing price on Friday.

Note that this is a small growing company. The earning could rise at a much higher rate if the company continues to expand. They can double or triple earning easily.

Stay Tuned!

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