DoubleD, those are very low numbers with a pennylander play. With your follow-up post showing the original guidelines of $2.5M/annum net revenue goal, and $700K minimum net income, that puts both the book value and eps at very attractive numbers, when compared to the current pps. IF this merger actually met those guidelines, minimum eps would be $0.04 with current pps of $0.012 - a great buy-in opportunity
Now take into mind two other facts from the merger. (1) More and more mainland Chinese firms are finding ways onto the US market, in an effort to gain both an entry pooint and access to capital funding, and (2)product is organic health foods, a big focal point in the US consumer market. Gree teas for weight loss, herbal remedies, organic/natural food supplements for health sustainment, etc will at the least create an initial interest.
Will be interesting to see what the new company puts out to help define itself, and its value/potential. In the meantime, I'm buying in at the Monday bell, with a wait and see position
Don't Drink It, just Sip It....then move on to the next play