I spoke with Steve Young recently and asked what their approx. yearly rev. is, estimating by present business. His reply was $1.6M, and growing.
Now, this would be considering contracts, etc., that they have now, but may not have had 6 months ago.
In other words (from my understanding), if all contracts/business stayed as it is today, $1.6M could be expected after one year. He would not have honestly been able to say that 6 mo. ago.
So, if 6 mo. ago, a yr avg. rev. was estimated, it may have only been $.5M at the time, basing on current contracts/accounts.
Avg'ing this out is how I come to this basis, so as not to expect more than what is reasonable.
Nonetheless, if 6 mo. ago, they were only at $.5M, and 6 mo. later, they are at $1.6M, it doesn't take a genius to see that NXPW is an excellent buy and hold, for those who like to walk away from their investments without worrying about it diving.
Of course, I base my opinions and conclusions on low dilution, which, although there has been some over the last year (and I am hoping when I say this), managements seems to manage dilution rather well.