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Alias Born 03/30/2011

Re: mdb1 post# 101774

Monday, 02/11/2019 3:38:13 PM

Monday, February 11, 2019 3:38:13 PM

Post# of 101798
Mdb1 or mike ? you do know that the pps recent buy sells are not retail investors as I personally have tried to buy at the pps of .000001 and received a rejection to the request with a message stating that retail investors are unable to purchase stocks at that price.

Clearly the buy and sell is not being done through retailers so that would mean that market makers are selling at this price or .... buying and maybe company is selling at this price

And doesn’t seem fair as it makes no sense that we have to buy at 100 times that price or more... if someone wants to sell shares at this price what would be the purpose?

If you try to place a buy order you will see that you can’t buy for less than .0002 the current ask
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