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Re: Hvp123 post# 41168

Wednesday, 01/16/2019 11:58:51 AM

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 11:58:51 AM

Post# of 52237
Notes from Dec. 27th, 2018, shareholder meeting:
Over 50% approved proposal 1 & 2 on proxy
Disapproved # 3
MP films, very happy with investments
Exhibitors & studios will discount/cut deals
Line of credit, debt financing, capital raise
Spin off very soon will creat value
Considering share buy backs/insiders buying
Wanna make sure MP is self sufficient before spin off, think its there now, haven’t asked for funds in 4 months
Intl growth on hold since lot of things happening behind the scene here
$9.95 plan is still most popular among all out there
You will see soon MP turned the corner soon
We will appeal nasdaq & believe we have strong argument to stay listed
Certain things like subs count etc we cant tell u today, will have to wait for 8k or 10q
We are working hard to gain investor confidence
Disrupted the ecosystem
About $400M revenue, u gonna have bumps along the way
AMC 600k, our #s are much better
New plans well received by all new subs

Shook my hand and he said thanks for zero tomatoes :)
I said please do something for shareholders, he said u will be happy soon
I said don’t give up he said never.
1st week of Jan they will have big news released to all their constituents
He seemed very confident on 2019 with everything they are working on
MP films will merge into MP ventures
Spin off we will get dividend of MPEH that is allowed by DE, will creat lot of shareholder value

Now don’t shoot the messenger :)
I tried my best, it was much needed confidence booster