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Alias Born 03/02/2011

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Wednesday, 01/02/2019 3:11:04 AM

Wednesday, January 02, 2019 3:11:04 AM

Post# of 112647
The Threat In 2019 Of Greater Regulation And Control Of Information Technology Companies

o Three issues connected with the success of large information technology firms loom on the horizon for 2019: size, income inequality and data security.

o All three of these concerns are receiving greater attention and 2019 could be a year in which the government moves to bring some greater regulation and control to the industry.

o One problem is that politicians and regulators are always fighting the "last war" and concern exists that given their "legacy" economic models, they might do more harm than good.

As the year 2018 progressed, there was more and more talk about how the regulatory structure needed to change in order to address some of the issues that have arisen as a result of the transition to the information age.

Chief among these was the massive size and value of many of the major “tech” firms, especially the FAANGs, the problems associated with data privacy and the income inequality that has arisen in this age of information.

Key to the evolution of the regulatory structure is the understanding we have of what is going on in the world. If we use the “old” models, then we will create more problems than we solve. But, this would not be unexpected because the tendency of the “powers that be” is to fight the old wars. That is, politicians and regulators attack the problems based upon what they have observed in the past and upon the “old” models that were created during this past age.

The fact is, we are in a “new” age and the driving force in this “new” age is what I have called the “new” Modern Corporation.

The “old” Modern Corporation is linear in nature, primarily dealing with the “linear” connection between producers and customers. And, the capital foundation to this model is physical capital, plant and equipment. The scale of operation is important, but the marginal costs of achieving this scale are positive.

The “new” Modern Corporation is networked, whose foundation is a platform. Its capital foundation is intangible, being primarily intellectual property. The scale of the “new” Modern Corporation is almost unlimited, because the marginal costs of achieving this scale are zero or near zero."

(Poster: Another perspective to think about)

Facebook trying to prevent suicide by tracking what we post
But instead of someone using that data for bad, what if someone could use it for good?
January 1, 2019

"When someone mentions the word data, privacy might be the word you think of next.

It seems like every day we hear about another data breach or hack that involves someone stealing our personal information.

But instead of someone using that data for bad, what if someone could use it for good?

Just imagine, a computer, monitoring everything you post online, and intervening when it thinks you’re in danger.

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s happening here in the present, thanks to a team at Facebook.

The new tool uses an algorithm to track down buzzwords and phrases that are commonly associated with suicide.

Once these phrases are found in a person’s posts an alert is sent out to Facebook’s Safety Center.

“If it reaches a certain level the tool will notify an actual person,” says Dr. Dan Reidenberg, executive director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education.

Dr. Reidenberg is one of a handful of experts who helped Facebook develop this new tool.

“This data is literally trying to save lives,” Reidenberg says.

The company says the new tool has already intervened more than 3,500 times.

These interventions may include a worker at Facebook’s Safety Center reaching out to the person and offering resources and support but may also include contacting local authorities if the situation is serious enough.

“The technology itself isn’t going to send somebody to their house. A person at Facebook would have to do that,” Reidenberg says.

So far Reidenberg hasn’t heard of any local cases, but he says another suicide prevention tool on Facebook recently saved a teenage girl in Saint Paul.

“Her friends were concerned, and they reported it through Facebook’s suicide reporting tool and Facebook reached out to law enforcement who were able to get her to the hospital and saved her life.”

Reidenberg understands why some people might be leery of this new tool. He says data privacy and security are major concerns these days, but he applauds Facebook for what it’s trying to do."

(Poster Note that relates to the next article: I emailed Jason, just after his Araloc acquisition announcement, asking him , basically, 2 things" - expressing to him that I would understand if he "could not answer". (Competitive reasons).
o Since you have Araloc, which is HIPAA compliant, are you considering providing products to the Healthcare Industry?
o Are considering providing data seccurity for IoT (since Data443's motto is "All things data")?

Jason did not answer the email, so he was just too busy to, or he was considering both and "couldn't answer". Araloc renewals are providing the answer to the first question).

What Everyone Says About IoT Security Challenges
December 31, 2018

"Internet of Things (IoT) has been the latest buzzword in the IT industry. Industry experts estimate that over 75 billion devices will be connected to the internet by 2025. The hype of IoT security challenges has brought fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) because of the security issues associated with this technology. Some IoT critics call it “Internet of NoThings” instead of “Internet of Things.”

By now, IoT has touched almost all the spheres: in homes, automobile industry, healthcare, building automation, retail, manufacturing, agriculture, education, and more. This technology offers great opportunities for almost every market.

Here we have listed the top IoT Security Challenges and top of the line solutions:

IoT Security Challenges List

The existence of IoT is digitalizing every aspect of life which now also gives rise to the question of security. Loopholes in IoT security can easily aid hackers and crackers breach into the IoT devices and applications to seal and manipulate data.

IoT hardware-related security challenges
A strong hardware foundation is a key to IoT security. With the increasing demand of Internet of things, hardware has been a major challenge for most of the businesses. One of the main problems with IoT is that hardware devices are expensive and not every business can afford it. The complex design of the architecture of the chips made specifically for IoT devices can be expensive. IoT device chipmakers such as Intel and ARM are working on bridging the security gap by strengthening their processors.

Data capturing takes place through sensors and PLCs. These sensors may be connected to IoT gateways to transmit data to the cloud. Enterprises all over the world need to identify the hardware for IoT implementation. Some business owners choose to add external sensors to their legacy systems. Though it may be cost effective option, it may not be full-proof. Identifying the most suitable physical devices and checking the compatibility with IoT systems is still a challenge for most enterprises.

Security Challenges of IoT Testing
With more than 24 billion IoT connected devices worldwide, it may not be possible to test all the aspects related to security. Tech companies may be quite careless when it comes to handling device-related risks. A few devices may not get IoT updates at all. If the device is not secure, it may be prone to hacks and other security issues.

The growing demand for IoT connected devices compels IoT manufacturers to produce more devices faster, and so, security issues may be overlooked. This can leave customers exposed to potential attacks because of outdated software and hardware. To avoid such security risks, each device should be tested properly before it is launched in the market.

IoT challenges device interoperability – Authorize / Authenticate
With so many devices available in an IoT system, device authorization and authentication becomes crucial. If a potential hacker may need some personal information to gain access to the devices, then the chances of data theft become lesser. Devices should check the identity before providing access to the users for various services and apps. Using two-factor authentication (2FA) and strong passwords can resolve such issues and reduce your exposure to attacks.

When you implement some of the suggested security options discussed in this piece, rest assured that your IoT devices are well secured against external breach of security. Thus, you will enjoy the numerous benefits of having IoT devices at home, in the office, and somewhere else.

IoT management challenges – Managing updates
Applying updates to software running on IoT devices can be a challenging task. All devices may not support updates without downtime. Older devices may not support the advanced updates, and so tech companies should update their devices regularly. Agencies should take security seriously and update their IoT devices so that they are safe and less vulnerable to getting hacked.

The device owners may opt out of applying the updates. It is the responsibility of tech company owners to keep a track of versions that are deployed on each device. The users should be notified about the updates through different channels so that they can secure their devices.

IoT privacy challenges – Data Privacy
Data privacy and security are the two main threats in today’s interconnected world. A lot of tech companies produce, store, transmit and process huge amounts of data from IoT devices. If the data is shared across different teams or externally, the rules should be set for the privacy and security of data. Cached or no longer required data should be disposed of securely.

Enterprises can secure their data and sensitive information with the help of digital signatures. Blockchain helps in easy distribution of IoT data and also ensures the integrity of sensitive information.

IoT Data Challenges – Storage
Data storage may not be a challenge, but it is vulnerable to getting hacked. Zillions of bytes of data can be stored online at different places, but the source may not be safe. Anyone can steal the data and affect your privacy. For instance, you have a lot of IoT data in your mobile and you forget you’re mobile at a restaurant. Is there any guarantee that data will not be stolen if someone steals your mobile? To avoid such issues, one should make use of proper mobile passwords and also enable two-way authentication.

IoT Security: Real Challenges and Solutions
The real challenges for our customers are the cost of personalizing the devices they manufacture with unique IDs, MAC addresses, keys, and certificates, either on the production line or during field deployment. Practically technical solutions for personalization very often provide an additional toolset enabling the highest level of security at no additional cost.

In the last decade, the enterprise architectures and security measures have been improved for all-wired desktop computers to all-wireless-mobile laptop and smartphones but this is not the scenario with all the connected devices. Nowadays, companies are looking forward to connecting many devices, smart devices, objects, and servers through secure networks (public and private).

What needs to be solved on a priority basis is the networking and security issue. It is very common that the data generated by a sensor or a machine travels through different networks and service providers before reaching the targeted application server. So, the link and network security of every communication at all levels need to be secured with protocol stacks like IPsec for IP, WPA for 802.11, 802.15.4, Bluetooth, and so on.

Yet all this cannot be termed as end-to-end application security!
The Solution is the development of secure IoT applications and within IP – All the data is carried over IP, there is an option of “tunneling” from the sensor to the application server.

IoT Trends and Future Scope
IoT has become a major business driver as it provides remote accessibility, real-time data, device integration, and centralized control, data analysis and statistical reports, communication on the go, enable location and tracking, encryption and security etc. There are few challenges towards adoption, and implementation of IoT based solutions but the future is definitely promising.: