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Alias Born 06/06/2006

Re: TopHat post# 8558

Tuesday, 11/07/2006 1:06:42 AM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:06:42 AM

Post# of 95693
Anyone here watch that movie 12 Angry men?... where all the evidence points to this one guy, and the main character of the movie presents all of these brilliant points to refute testimonies and convinces everyone to change their vote to not guilty...

Well ChangeDiaper is the exact opposite of that guy... Instead of presenting intelligent facts, he will just pull out a picture of a woman and say... "I think the killer was a female..." .. And everyone around the room is just shaking their heads at this point going "huh?... witnesses say they saw a male stab this guy... ".. CD will merely draw a mustache on the female and say "There! she clearly disguised herself as a man..." ... "wait a minute, you can't just draw a mustache... that makes no sense.. what about the facts relating to this case.." ... "facts shmacts... the chick did it, and I've proven it, what more do you want?"... And we would have a hung jury.

That pretty much in a nutshell what I think of CD's behaviour here ... I've sent a complaint in to Matt, it is in his hands what he wants to do with CD... harrassing us with his nonsense theories day in and day out, and repeating it over and over amounts to spamming, and I don't think should be tolerated here.

BDRR - Life changer in the making.