2018 Fantasy Winners: End of season results... FastMny and mcdaib tied with 4 wins each and MyFistYoFaceSucka has 3 wins. Nicely done! FastMny has been at the top both season. A dynasty in the making... I am going to make a playoff contest, but not sure if it will fill. We will see... Week 1: 1st Domicebos (Macod) / 2nd 1GiantNiner (Rocket) / 3rd coydiggity (11 players) Week 2: 1st FastMny / 2nd ringrock7 / 3rd syboman (13 players) Week 3: 1st mcdaib / 2nd MyFistYoFaceSucka / 3rd coydiggity (11 players) Week 4: 1st 1giantniner / 2nd MyFistYoFaceSucka / 3rd Toadpaleface (10 players) Week 5: 1st FastMny / 2nd coydiggity / 3rd Toadpaleface (11 players) Week 6: 1st gumzsa/ 2nd TommyT75 / 3rd superBIGmike (12 players) Week 7: 1st MyFistYoFaceSucka / 2nd gumzsa / 3rd coydiggity (12 players) Week 8: 1st MyFistYoFaceSucka / 2nd ringrock7/ 3rd FastMny (11 players) Week 9: 1st mcdaib / 2nd ringrock / 3rd coydioggity (11 players) Week 10: 1st FastMny / 2nd superBIGmike / 3rd Domicebos (11 players) Week 11: 1st mcdaib / 2nd MyFistYoFaceSucka / 3rd Toadpaleface (11 players) Week 12: 1st mcdaib / 2nd hartnerb/ 3rd MyFistYoFaceSucka (14 players) Week 13: 1st ringrock7/ 2nd BHig12/ 3rd gumza (12 players) Week 14: 1st MyFistYoFace/ 2nd coydiggity / 3rd TommyT75 (12 players) Week 15: 1st FastMny / 2nd syboman / 3rd MyFistYoFaceSucka (10 players) Week 16: 1st 1giantniner/ 2nd syboman / 3rd Toadpaleface (10 players) Week 17: 1st superBIGmmike / 2nd Tommy75 / 3rd mcdaib (11 players)