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Alias Born 07/13/2009


Re: None

Saturday, 12/22/2018 11:59:29 AM

Saturday, December 22, 2018 11:59:29 AM

Post# of 285415

Common Web and gimmie and m4n or mojo...

Tell me what horrible thing Kim needs to explain about this report.

You guys are all in a tizzy "kim has som 'splainin to do"

Well let's hear your best Ricky Ricardo accent and tell me what needs 'splainin

We are supposed to be panic stricken by something in this report.
I have read it 10 times now and still dont see a ghost.

If this like one of those things in the 80s where you stare at it long enough and suddenly you see what's hidden in the picture?

Please help.

I dont like it when I dont see the pink elephants on parade

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