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Alias Born 03/21/2007

Re: jumanji0881 post# 32395

Friday, 11/23/2018 6:54:47 PM

Friday, November 23, 2018 6:54:47 PM

Post# of 37930
Add my name to this list. We make three, and there are many more.

But I had Thanksgiving with my son and granddaughters. The son is overextended from providing for his daughters in the manner in which he thinks he should, or which Madison Avenue has convinced him is his obligation. And my Summa cum Laude granddaughter contributes to her company 401k with no knowledge of her options, or what she has chosen.

I mention this only because I fear this is typical, and after the steamroller rolls over them, it will be What happened????

Stay on the right side of the cycle!

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