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Alias Born 10/23/2017

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Friday, 11/16/2018 9:51:28 AM

Friday, November 16, 2018 9:51:28 AM

Post# of 4067
I just read this post on the TRTC board about some of the management over there.

This is a post from 13strats

trtc, nrti and mike james and jim kras, how nrti was destroyed so they could move to trtc with nulief.

Michael James, CEO of Inergetics, is the absolute worst CEO you will ever run across. He came out touting about his squeaky clean reputation and excellent financial background. He was opposed to using fluff PR's until he ran into a BIG problem in the midst of the Nulief CBD launch. Something very bad took place that caused an immediate end to all their work in the CBD arena, even after they had spent the past year to bring in a top notch Advisory Board to help create their first CBD product for the retail trade.

Problem was, Michael James had sunk over $300k of his own money into the company when the Feds and/or the FDA stepped in during their Nulief launch to shut them down. James needed to find a way to get his $300k back, so him & Kras decided to go ahead with the Nulief launch, knowing they had no real product to launch. He had to buy enough time to find a way to get his $300k back and so he made one financing deal after another with the most notorious death spiral financier in the otc market, Joshua Sason, who is well known for destroying companies share prices with his immediate selling of discounted shares. James knew very well what would happen to the share price, but he didn't care. All he cared about was getting his personal money back that he loaned to the company.

He led us all to believe that Nulief was in a test marketing situation with dispensaries in various states by stating as such during in interviews with various news sources. He also used Kras by having him do these interviews to talk up Nulief before we would catch on that Nulief was not in fact in any test market and that they never had any real product manufactured for resale. They only had mock ups of the product produced for the big launch event and nothing more. James ran into a real problem when the Feds or the FDA shut him down and he became so desperate that he had to now resort to committing BLATANT FRAUD with the Nulief launch. He really thought he could fool shareholders, until I discovered this fraud by forcing them to tell us where Nulief was in a test market. Kras was even dumb enough to put out a PR stating that Nulief was available for sale at Blum's Dispensary. Well all it took at that point was to contact Blum's Dispensary to see if in fact that had any Nulief for sale. Needless to say, not only did they never receive any Nulief, but they never even heard of it and they were absolutely shocked when I shared the PR that Kras put out about it being available in their dispensary.

This is when I, one of their strongest supporters in the past, began to put all the pieces together to discover their blatant fraud. Despite being threatened by James with a law suite if I posted about this on the NRTI message board, I now became the whistle blower about their blatant fraud with the Nulief fake launch. A number of us submitted complaints to the SEC, exposing every step of their fraudulent launch from start to finish. It was so easy to prove with their paper trail a mile wide! Yet to date the SEC has done nothing, absolutely NOTHING! So James quietly gets his personal funds back out of the company while destroying the share price with his death spiral financing and blatant fraud. Then he decides to spend all his time over at TRTC, where he is their CFO. He made sure that TRTC's financials were on time, while filing late extensions for NRTI's financials, which has now led to them being classified as an otc company w/limited information, soon leading to having no information and a skull and crossbones. All the while he is given big bonuses over at TRTC now and left Kras to run the company.

Jim Kras, President & CMO, was his pawn and dumb enough for James to take advantage of with his fake Nulief launch scheme. To date, James & Kras have given no explanation for their immediate exit from their CBD Initiative that the company invested in so heavily. Since the SEC isn't doing anything about the numerous complaints filed, they think they can just sweep this under the rug without a single explanation of what caused it. If it was due to any legal issues that arose, they could have easily explained the unfortunate situation, but it is clear, whatever took place, they did't want anyone knowing what really happened. So I say it is safe to say, whatever did happen, it had to be pretty bad and would have exposed James as trying to do something illegal or something along those lines to tarnish his reputation that he values so much.

In the process, us faithful shareholders who always supported him and the company, got totally wiped out! Yet, he bares no responsibility for any of it. He just walks away and the SEC has let him get away with one the most blatant frauds that is so easy to prove. In my complaint I walked the SEC through the whole process of how they committed this fraud and included all the necessary links to their huge paper trail. These complaints were filed about 6 months ago, with no action being taken by the SEC to date. Why? I don't understand it at all! Everything is right there, right down to them stating in a PR where the product was available, when they knew very well that they had no real Nulief product.

So is Michael James being allowed to get away with blatant fraud that wiped out his shareholders? Sure seems like it, but rest assured I will always be there to let everyone know about what he did. One day he will have to answer for all the pain he has caused for those of us who trusted him and believed in him. I take full responsibility for my own investing mistakes, but when I am scammed like this, I don't just walk away. I am starting over basically and at the age of 60, I don't have a whole lot of time to make it all up in time. Yea, he got me good, real good! How anyone can live with themselves after doing something like this is beyond me and I hope it haunts him for the rest of his life. He will forever be in my sights and I will always make sure that this blatant fraud follows him wherever he may go. I myself made the huge mistake of getting to know him too close and trusting in him after countless conversations. A mistake I will forever regret!

Enjoy your big fancy house Michael James as you parade around like some big shot, but your conscious will haunt you about this, if in fact you have a conscious. If not, I will be there at every corner watching you and keeping this always in your face. Do you know how many lives you destroyed? Do you even care? I hope you and Josh Sason get what is coming to you in the end.

So, as you see, you are 100% correct, Michael James is responsible for it all and Kras was just one of his pawns that he used. Funny how James threatened me with a defamation of character lawsuit when I was exposing how badly Kras was running the company and how he was spending all the company's money to promote the two brands (Bikini Ready & Slim Trim) he sold to Inergetics at the same time he was hired, yet failed to file lawsuit for my allegations about his blatant fraud w/Nulief. The reason is simple, he is as guilty as hell and he can't do anything to me for exposing it.

I, like a few others here, continue to hold my shares for some really long shot down the road. If James really has a conscious, maybe he can still pull a rabbit out of his arse with a more exciting product launch than some Vitamin Whey products in a heavily over saturated market with much bigger players. The one and only chance they have is to create a product line that has the real ability to create BIG SALES. The only reason the Martha Stewart Essentials line went belly up, was due to poor management. Terrible marketing in a highly competitive arena is a death sentence for any product. James and Kras have no idea how to run a successful business in the retail sector. Kras was spending millions to promote Bikini Ready, that barely boosted sales. Instead of changing their unsuccessful marketing plan, they just kept doing the same thing over and over again, without any real success. The drain on the company took its toll, yet to this day they haven't changed.

Hopefully a new CEO can come in soon and try to clean this up and actually clean house and find the right product lines that will produce enough sales to become cashflow positive. Somebody who knows how to successfully market a product in today's competitive environment. That is what it is going to take, since Michael James, our current CEO has run away with his tail between his legs, after causing this debacle. At least Kras is still there fighting, even if he doesn't know what he is doing, but who knows, maybe he can surprise us all with a new product line in a less crowded arena. A change is needed in a hurry and a reverse split is not the answer, as it would be the final stake in our hearts of trying to recoup any of our huge losses. We will find out if they really give a damn or if they are out just for themselves.