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Re: As I See It post# 45626

Sunday, 11/11/2018 11:53:23 AM

Sunday, November 11, 2018 11:53:23 AM

Post# of 57469

(1) It is expected that an AOT will be installed on the pipeline of a major energy company by the end of this month. Let that sink in. A company that was described as a "major major" energy company with world wide reach, wants to partner with us. They must believe that the science and engineering of the AOT has enough potential to warrant installation on one of their pipelines. This makes it crystal clear that past tests were not failures. Like most new technologies, the AOT has required multiple tests and engineering redesigns to reach the commercialization stage. “

Tcpl was a giant failure so was KM. To suggest these efforts were successful is just taking another mega fluff job that only benefits Qsep management by allowing them to continue the charade for another five years.

(2) QSEP will bear most of the costs of the installation and testing. This is important. QSEP wanted a partner not a client. This will allow QSEP to own the data and have a high level of operational control. “

Lol..,hysterical. Qsep is paying to install because their claimed results are not ever closed to what has transpired in its previous two whole days of testing after a decade of saying they are moments away from commercial deployment.

(3) QSEP will be given a minimum of 6 months on the pipeline. Prospective QSEP clients will be allowed to visit the demo site. QSEP will be allowed to tweak the AOT if needed. The demo site may continue for as long as 3 years. This will be invaluable in terms of marketing, but will also allowing for continuous enhancement of the technology.”

It’s called a luminary site and it’s a typical ploy used by penny stock companies to create interest where there is none. Algae growers love this angle! No Corp would compromise its business by allowing a otc company to bring in a gaggle of competitors to traipse through its yard. Makes a great story but it’s pure BS.

(4) Third party verification will be part of the process. At least two maybe three outside entities will be used. PRCI has been approached and is a likely candidate. The energy company whose pipeline we will be testing on is a member of PRCI.”

Even more ludicrous! Qsep has claimed years ago that its technology has been verified by several high profile testing agencies but none of them can put dollars in the bank. PRCI will be happy play as long as they get paid.

(5) Heavy crude oil with a high paraffin content is the initial target market. While the AOT has efficacy on lighter crude, it has the longest duration and most dramatic viscosity reductions in heavy crude with high paraffin content. The crude being used in the demo project fits that description. Also, most heavy crude lines are more challenging for DRA products. More on that later. It only makes sense to go after your best market prospects first. There are more than enough potential clients in this category to make QSEP a ton of money. “

Please...Qsep had no chance of proving its turbulence reducing benefit which is a considerable stretch from its viscosity reduction claims...also highly unlikely to provide any benefit other maybe a bottleneck relief in very specific areas by imparting heat to precipitate.

(6) QSEP has new pipeline modeling software to do oil testing and customer presentations in house. This will streamline the process. Temple is okay with that. “

Haha! Nothing written about Qsep can use the word streamline. They have mismanaged resources since inception and the move to test in-house is too little way too late.

(7) QSEP has increased their supplier network with mostly companies in the Houston area. “

Great...there are pipe-suppliers in Houston. More fluff not even newsworthy but apparently they need to fill dead air!

(8) There are 25 to 30 prospective clients that QSEP has had extensive discussions with that are ready to move toward sales, if the demo generates acceptable data. We won't need to do anymore test projects, because most everything a prospect will need to know will be available at this site. “

Bull..Qsep has been claiming they have lots of customer on the hook for years! None of them have stepped up and continued working with Qsep or entered into a strategic alliance..Nobody...nada!

(9) Institution money is being lined up. Much like QSEP's prospective energy clients, the institutional money clients want to see positive data and a more risk certain outlook for sales. This means they will be coming in at much higher stock prices. This is less dilutive. “

Institutional money ain’t touching this company with a 100ft pool. Any suggestion that Qsep is imminently poised to receive institutional money is again false and misleading. Math McMullen weaving a story from thin air as he takes a flight back to Cali to run the financial side of business from a 1500 miles away. Pathetic!!

(10) ISNETWORLD is a web enabled system that is used to qualify vendors. QSEP has spent over a year navigating the labyrinth to get everything in place. Because it is almost a universal system with energy companies, once you've met the hurdles for one you've met the hurdles for all. “

Another SCADA or ASME excuse that shareholders have heard for a decade just repackaged in another way to keep shareholder from jumping ship. It’s like they throw out another acronym and investors eyes roll up into their heads! It won’t work. The selling is going to continue especially since the 10q was not reported at SHM (a huge error in judgment) which signals even more bad news which this team apparently does not have the nerve to discuss with investors. CFO referring all relevant question to that upcoming release but not releasing it prior to the meeting so investors can ask relevant questions at the meeting demonstrates that nothing has changed with this new management team. The same cock and bull stories are intimated and this team in full delay mode.

(11) An important "tell" that things are now accelerating is that a substantial outlay was made by QSEP to purchase general liability insurance to satisfy QSEP's new partner.”

Excuse me but anytime a company sells a product or service to a public company or a large private concern a GL policy needs to be in place. This is not a revelation and again is not worthy news, its just there to fill the dead air of the SHM. Besides these policy are not expensive certainly no where near the 125K a year Qsep flushes down the toilet to cover Temple for the licensing of Fuel injection devices which have been pronounced DOA for 5 plus years!

(14) “The company allowing us on their pipeline has indicated a desire to deploy the AOT not just to fit out the rest of this line, but to deploy system wide if the data justifies it. “

Another story concocted that cannot be verified. According to Qsep every industry in the world will benefit from Tao’s whacky invention yet try after try these companies simply evaporate after they take a peak.

In my humble opinion, any negative market reaction is most likely by those with a very short time horizon. The number of scientists and engineers from major energy corporations that continue to think that the AOT has a good chance of working is a very powerful reason to give the AOT this chance to move to

It’s amazing how investors can just come to this conclusion. It’s simple without merit and ignored the opportunity cost of watching your investment Qsep go down the flusher. My question would be how much more slack will be allowed to this or future management to actually create a company that can be called a legitimate business.I notice most pundits no longer make prediction as to timing of sales anymore because all have been dead wrong.