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Re: AC7880 post# 268744

Friday, 10/05/2018 9:51:20 AM

Friday, October 05, 2018 9:51:20 AM

Post# of 290031
It will be. There will be more diluting. Please do not try and tell me a zebra changes it's stripes. The PPS will not hold above $2 what choices will he have as this continues to go down? How is he going to fund expansion and his fat and merry band of insiders?

Let's just say history repeats itself and this PPS continues to fail as the industry turns to other companies with less baggage. What then? Institutional $$ will not touch this toxic mess. Private money would have already rushed in but nope not with DP the dilution king at the helm

It does not take a robust imagination to wonder what will happens if the market continues to shun TRTC (aka TerraTurd). The PPS is not healthy and has not ever been ever. What happens when this season comes and goes and DP is not able to draw a big enough crowd now that most longs have moved on and new ones are not replacing them. There is no one left to rally for TRTC and that is what it is. How many times can a CEO take a dump on it's shareholders before they learn...well that is why I still watch the board

Like I said the PPS will be going back to pre split pps but by then Derek WILL have done another R/S as a last ditch effort before selling assets off
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