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Alias Born 08/02/2018

Re: None

Saturday, 09/29/2018 6:50:07 PM

Saturday, September 29, 2018 6:50:07 PM

Post# of 518
The Trampoline

Jump. Jump Higher. Jump onto the Trampoline from a Rooftop. From a Cliff. From that of the Highest of Mountains. Know that Stocks so trading on the OTC Marketplace are no different because you can only go so low but the Rebound Upwards can be AmAzInG! Venture Capitalism at its finest! You just don’t want to short any of these Stocks as you will be burnt severely as you are looking for the Upside now as they have been driven into that of the BoTTomLeSs PiT already. Pay with Cash. Sit on those Shares. Hold them for the Next Ten Years plus! The World of Tomorrow available to you today as we sit here and watch the likes of Icons like Sears Holdings drop now into the Penny Stock Territory. Soon enough they could be trading on the OTC Marketplace as well as they become delisted from the Big Boards! Maybe they will sell a brand or two….But it never will stop the accelerating losses they are now experiencing like many others in the retail arena. At least on the OTC Exchanges they can get there stuff in order without the Wall Street critics breathing down their Throat or be like some who end up on there going bankrupt.

The Bean Counter’s World is an amazing place and you see it on the OTC Marketplace. Stocks bringing in Tens of Millions of Dollars and still growing but yet all of their Shares Outstanding give them a Market Capitalization of a Million or Two! Valuations of Ideas hidden in Form 15s while Insiders buy Shares but don’t report their Financials! Finding these Treasures are AMAZING!!!! Usually hidden in the Greys or that of the PINK – NO INFO or PINK – LIMITED INFO. Than one day they arise!!! Become Current! Upgraded to the OTCQB! Next thing you know they may very well trade on the AMEX, NASDAQ, or the NYSE!!! EVERYONE OF THESE STOCKS HAVE BEEN DROPPED ON THE OTC TO LEVELS THAT LEAVE YOU SHOULD YOU SO CHOOSE TO GO OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO DIRT CHEAP AS THEY ONCE TRADED IN THE HEAVENS ABOVE THE CLOUDS OF THE EARTH!!! Some are now arising. So many remain in the Cellar!!!!

I have seen heavy losses following many of these down for Years. Because so many of them did drop in a sense below that of their Assets they so own to that of their Incomes they so produce!!! These Stocks currently don’t trade at P/E Multiples like you see on the Big Boards. Many now trade for what they are really worth not even taking into consideration the Spring Board Effect of what Multiples so added into the Equation could entail for those of us seeking to reap the Shares of these Beauties. Is another October Surprise coming???? Something very big is again happening in the United States Financial Markets! Credit is tightening. Interest Rates are rising! The Easy Money is over…..For now unless it creates such a catastrophic event that they resort to a New QE.
But the Companies on the OTC Operate like a family with a Checkbook! Buy their Shares in a Cash Account and you will see what I mean! I front loaded a good chunk of the OTC believing in this as I will sit here now just waiting for the Game to unfold!!! I may sell a few as they go up to buy others. But I know what I hold and it is a Portfolio of which anyone who gets a Tax Return Refund could as well build to join me in this Ride of a Lifetime!!! Because the Risk to the Downside is what you so invest….Maybe you might find some of them drop 99%....But when the Upside hits get ready for the Rocketship! I would rather be down 99% in a Stock than to buy a Lottery Ticket where if it is a Dud sees you down 100%. Because once a DUD you can just throw it away! But in a Stock is the Hope of a Return still despite what Market Forces may so do to your Investment.

I was told it was going to rain hard in this Area! I know others around are secretly following me. I am not stupid. I just wonder if they tell everyone like a Hollywood Star would do on the Radio Station in a Song or on a Talk Show or if it is just a Few Bankers and Government Officials that are secretly stealing my Ideas for their own financial gain. Because they still need Workers to slave away to do the Work so many rich People don’t want to do. Makes me wonder what this Club is really about! Since they wanted me to join it!!! Lol. I have Insider Connections in this regard. HAHA! Funny is it not! Gotta create that PErFEcT ScEnE!!!! The Life of those around us who get to act all rich being able to afford a Round About Round.

I never thought I would be such a Voice of Capitalism like I so am now but everything now playing out is just like I pictured it would be. They hate me for being me! I can still live within their Game. I work hard. I do my best. I care for others. But those Behind the Police State Technology and Government Orwellian Patriot Act want me to not speak so they can reap alone this Information I am telling as it would lead to a Fascist State keeping those in the Poor and Working Class to become the 2nd Class Citizens to a New American Order that would otherwise form should not my Voice be heard! I feel like the Greatest of American Stars now shining brighter than the rest of the 50 Stars that do make up the American Flag! Because I speak the Truth! Because I speak about Fairness! For I speak of a Bean Counter’s Paradise that so many of us Patriots live in! That to me is why I do what I do because I love the Republic of the Americas that do allow for the States to so shine versus just becoming 2nd Class to the Bankers that have corrupted our Nation since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was brought into Law.

The Trampoline is a beautiful creation! Just know that when it comes to Stocks!!!! How low can you go before the Volcano Explodes!!! Trust in Cash to buy into them!!! Don’t short them!!! Short the likes of TESLA and the many others on the Mega Exchanges. These Stocks are now at the Bottomless Pit Levels on the OTC!!! Many are now ready to burst upwards like a Volcano as Insiders and those with the Knowledge have already created the Volume to own most of the Shares so Outstanding!. Down 10% to 99%.....Know that should that happen to you just be ready!!!! For upwards they will go! 100%....1000%....10000%.....To Infinity and Beyond!!!!! Imagine if you bought the Microsoft or McDonalds Stock when they were in their Infancy. On the OTC Marketplace is now that OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME!!!! Know it. Believe it! Sit on Shares. If you must for that of Years! The Downside now is so minimal!!!! The Upside could lead to exponential returns unheard of in a 401K Account!!!!

These CEOS in these Company’s don’t want their Holdings to remain forever low in regards to Share Prices. Nor do the Holders of Shares who in exchange for Services or Financing. They dropped these Companies to such an insane level that if anyone is going to see a Rate of Return on their Investments they have no choice but to watch it all unfold as the Share Prices rise with the Times. Down. Down. Down. That is all I have realized these past 15 Years….BUT NOW THE TRAMPOLINE EFFECT IS HAPPENING AND I KNOW THAT JUST ONE OF THESE MANY STOCKS I NOW SO OWN WILL MAKE UP EVERYTHING I HAVE SO LOST!!!

Let the Games begin! Olympic Wall Street We the People Marathon Style where if I was a Supreme Court Justice would deem what you all did to me on this Journey as being that of a Disgrace against one of the Greatest Minds set to unleash a Flood on this Great Nation we as Patriots still do love and want to believe is our REPUBLIC. God I love the Greatness of the U S o f the As . At least here I can so write and speak my Mind despite what those behind the Closed Door Sessions of Government and the Patriot Act would rather not be shown on the Evening News!!!
Jump aboard all you AmErICanS on this Trampoline of the OTC STOCK MARKET!!!