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Alias Born 02/17/2018

Re: None

Tuesday, 08/07/2018 3:08:37 PM

Tuesday, August 07, 2018 3:08:37 PM

Post# of 1339
Alliance Growers Corp. has terminated its non-binding letter of intent with Spyder Vapes Inc. announced on May 29, 2018. The deadline for a formal agreement following due diligence was July 20, 2018. The due diligence was not completed by that date due to, amongst other things, a delay in completion of audited financial statements of Spyder Vapes."
Read more at®ion=C

Starting to make me wonder about the legitimacy of this company.

Everyday down. Thinking I'll be lucky to recover %50 of my investment at the rate we are going.

Supposedly Petke met with investors and institutions but no names were mentioned or locations aside from city's.

Thinking all of the spaming that was happening a couple of months back on multiple message boards was likely insiders/paid promotion.

There really is not a lot backing up this company and the primary phone contact is forwarded directly to Petke's answering machine with a females voice.

Check and see how many IIROC trading suspensions there have been over the years. Something fishy going on here.

Whoever did the proof reading on ACG's website should re-read and make some corrections.

As far as contracting plantlets for other companies, I have not found or heard or seen anything.

Feel bad for the people who bought in at the $1.20 range and are now stuck in this POS. I'm in the same boat but at a lower pps...

My bad for putting blind Faith in this company.