Right you are my friend...
Here's the deal: if you can honestly stand there and tell me that every one of Bioamber's competitors would rather watch a scrap merchant sell the plant for pennies on the dollar, as well as decline to acquire any/all of the available patents, then I kindly ask that you share your stash of crack with me........because common sense dictates that this would be akin to shooting yourself in the foot (maybe not for the behemoths of say Cargill, but one of their mid-size competitors who would clearly move up the ranks with the purchase of these assets). However, common sense doesn't always play out in the real world. In my eyes, the big question is not that someone will purchase the assets, but for how much. As I believe I said in an earlier post, we will not know the final buyout price until closer to the end of August, and what, if any, monies will be coming to the shareholders. The Johnylaws, Churaks et al. that spew their diatribe on this board have no more of a crystal ball than the pumpers/positive posters. Their guess is as good as mine given the facts before us. I'm all in on this poker hand and am just waiting for the others to show their hand.