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Re: confirm post# 25848

Tuesday, 07/17/2018 8:30:45 AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 8:30:45 AM

Post# of 36440
“New”Investor Information:
Evolving Role Of Thermal Dynamic Analysis &
Is Telemedicine the Future of Care.
Cyrcadia Health
(Lifeline Biotechnologies
LLBO, PPS your guess ?)

Huge mkt for women who want home privacy & life saving ability to do a simple reliable breast examination between annual breast check ups, the iT Bra allows this peace of mind. With the new breast screening guidelines out recommending screening every other year after age 54, the IT Bra will be ideal for those long in between screenings, oh and the new guidelines also don’t recommend the old self examination “by hand”, hell let’s just let the tumor grow into an elephant. What’s left, the iT Bra or a crystal ball, which would u choose ??? (The evolving role of the dynamic thermal analysis in the early detection of breast cancer-National Center For Biotechnology Gov: “Cancer development appears to generate its own thermal signatures and the complexity of these signatures may be a reflection of its degree of development.
The limitations of mammography as a screening modality especially in young women with dense breasts necessitated the development of novel and more effective screening strategies with a high sensitivity and specificity. Dynamic thermal analysis of the breast is a safe, non invasive approach that seems to be sensitive for the early detection of breast tumors . The limitations of mammography as a screening modality especially in young women with dense breasts necessitated the development of novel and more effective screening strategies with a high sensitivity and cancer.
With increasing evidence that inflammation can enhance tumor growth and is associated with a poor prognosis, this suggestion implies that thermal analysis may have considerable value [30].
The evolving role (Artificial Intelligence)of the dynamic thermal analysis in the early detection of breast cancer”.
M Salhab, W Al Sarakbi, and K Mokbel
It is now recognised that the breast exhibits a circadian rhythm which reflects its physiology. There is increasing evidence that rhythms associated with malignant cells proliferation are largely non-circadian and that a circadian to ultradian shift may be a general correlation to neoplasia.
Cancer development appears to generate its own thermal signatures and the complexity of these signatures may be a reflection of its degree of development.
The “limitations” of mammography as a screening modality especially in young women with “dense breasts”
necessitated the development of novel and more effective screening strategies with a high sensitivity and specificity. Dynamic thermal analysis of the breast is a safe, non invasive approach that seems to be sensitive for the early detection of breast cancer. End
(iT Bra fits right in)

(Gene identification for breast tumor risk testing is NOT going to change that in any way.)

Cont’d from top:
Is Telemedicine the Future of Care?
One such very large medical Co. that is currently being approached by Cyrcadia Health (iT Bra) is-Kaiser Permanente Co. ( mentioned in AARP article below),
Kaiser preaches “Early Diognostic Prevention”...& the iT Bra is something they cannot afford to shrug off.

Virtual Medical Care Huge Future:
Glad to see that Cyrcadia Health will be indirectly involved with Kaiser Permanent
(I brought this up as a target mkt below, prior to Cyrcadia Health 2017-2018 report release, glad to see they are going right
after the Virtual med mkt.).
Let’s just look at what is literally appearing before our eyes to help answer this question
“This is the future of Medicine...”
Telemedicine Revolution (patients/doctors converse anywhere)—Fact, Hospitals Without Patients (virtual care) 2016 mega growth industry had sales of $14 Billion Dollars, growth projection
expected to $36 Billion Dollars by 2020, (2yrs) WOW, project that growth line and
You fall out of your seat (iT Bra I would say is properly named).
Mercy Virtual medical bldg is 6 miles from my home, a mega structure loaded with over
400 doctors, nurse specialist, &
medical technicians (not one hospital bed). All who supported more than 44 hospitals in the Mercy network,
in over 10 Midwest states (had over 750,000 thousand patients just last year.)
(Why? Patient convenience, privacy, more efficient healthcare, saving money & more important life’s).
1)Mercy Virtual 2)Kaiser Permanente 3)Cleveland Clinic 4)Intermountain Health Care, 5)Dignity Health,
6) Avera Health—just names of mega hospital major healthcare providers networks with millions of patients getting in on the game...
AND one hell of a big game it’s going to be.
One strategy these players are aiming for is Primary Preventaive Medicine “Primary Care”, ahhh musical notes
to who else, but our cheer leaders the Insurance Companies, a growing garden of health care medical care
payout savings, and wow are they cheering...!
Go iT Bra

So who do you think Cyrcadia Health is targeting ask your self ?—why the extensive clinical trials when they already have FDA Class ll Clearance, and mktg/sales program in Asia just about to begin 2018, because they want to get it right (their AI Artificial intelligence algorithm, also just recently brought to my attention, the medical community is wanting to see the clinical trial data ASAP when it can be released-this will be huge for Cyrcadia Health)
This iT Bra no pun intended fits right into the “Telemedicine Revolution” and the timing could not be better.
(reducing anxiety, commute time/expense/carbon foot print, giving privacy and saving a life for millions of women connected all over the world, ask yourself would you pay less than $100 to possibly save your life & not be exposed to low level radiation, what would an insurance co pay to save millions of dollars ?
Yes the TeleMedicine evolution is here fellow investors (I currently own 2 Mil shares LLBO.
In case anybody was wondering, I have no connection with the company and do my own research).
My hats off to Cyrcadia and Mercy Virtual for preventing/ reducing early unnecessary deaths,
hospital admissions, emergency dept visits, saving untold millions of dollars.
The price of admission is life...
I guess only time and a life saved will answer the question what if
(Cisco Corp was instrumental in helping Circadia Health produce a film about their iT Bra called Detected.)

Previous post # 24768, which u can enter the post num at the top GoTo search box above, has information
on some current investors as well as clinical trial data.

AARP magazine article Feb/March 2018 “Is Telemedicine the Future of Care ”
& “The Digital Doctor Is In”, explores how telemedicine is transforming healthcare.
Excellent article and anyone that invest in any kind of healthcare should definitely read.
(I know one thing the executives at Cyrcadia Health are).

More Info:
Mercy Virtual & the other Mega health institutions, again discussed in this months AARP
journal (April/May) as well as Cisco (per my prior investigative post below), continue to educate the
public on this explosive growth industry-“Virtual Health Care”.
Cyrcadia Health-get the data and the iT Bra out !!!

This technology has never “NEVER” been tested & had advanced algorithmic data collection
based on the very latest technology that it has today...the sensitivity of the senors & AI source
interpretation of data, surpassed Oxford when they were also running test many years ago.
Sensitivity (detection) for women with other conditions-dense breast tissue is approximately 60% & that is many women, but the
iT Bra has a very large
improvement in final outcome sensitivity (Detected).

American Cancer Society facts
“Radiation Exposure”:
Because mammograms are x-ray tests, they expose the breasts to radiation. The amount of radiation from each mammogram is low, but it can still add up over time.
(Time ???)
A false-negative mammogram looks normal even though breast cancer is present. Overall, screening mammograms do not find about 1 in 5 breast cancers.
(=20%, & I have to wait one more year for another mammogram, not if I have the iT Bra!)
Worldwide over 1.7 Million
women will be diagnosed with breast cancer~2018.(25% of all new cancers in women are breast cancer, it is the fifth most common cause of death from cancer in women.)

Netherlands study:
A recent large scale service screening report from the Netherlands involving almost 175,000 cancers with linked data mammography, pathologic conditions, and breast cancer death outcomes. Stated that Breast cancer mortality increased significantly in both studied cohorts (before and after institution of modern chemotherapy) with increasing tumor size for tumors as small as 10 mm. The major conclusion of the report was that “Diagnosis of breast cancer at an early stage remains vital,”
hence metrics involving tumor size, lymph node status, and cancer stage continue to be important indicators of quality performance.
With 20% of cases not detected & tumor SIZE so important & I’m going to wait over two years for “2” mammograms???
iT Bra at least gives me a fighting chance.

I truly believe it would be totally insane for the virtual medical market not to be taking a very close look at this technology “iT Bra” and doing what they can to support it.

iFlytek Corp. Invest in Cyrcadia Asia (Cyrcadia Health-Lifeline biotechnologies
China is pushing domestic and overseas markets to lower the cost of cancer drugs to make them more accessible.
The country’s cancer rates have soared in recent years, caused by people succumbing to the disease due to heavy smoking, pollution and living to an older age, raising concerns about the prevalence of the disease.
Last year, the National Cancer Center reported that there were 4.29 million new cases of the disease every year and 2.81 million deaths.
The five-year cancer survival rate was just 30% in 2015, less than half the US level, prompting the Chinese government to pledge to improve on this by 15 percentage points by 2030.
China’s new medical insurance regulator, The State Medical Insurance Administration, is planning to include more cancer drugs on its list of medicines eligible for reimbursement.
So far, 10 foreign and eight domestic pharmaceutical companies have expressed a willingness to work with the administration to boost availability so more people can benefit from medication, as more drugs are added to the insurance system.
China removed tariffs on all imported cancer drugs from May 1, following a decision by Premier Li Keqiang in April.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in China. Data shows that this cancer has increased at a rate of around 3.5% a year from 2000 to 2013, compared with a drop of 0.4% a year over the same period in the US.
Levels are highest in urban areas. In small cities with a population below 500,000, the incidence of breast cancer is 30 per 100,000. For large cities with a population above 1 million, the incidence is 60 per 100,000 women.
iFLYTEK, a global AI giant, has recently invested in breast cancer detection smart bra manufacturer, Cyrcadia Asia (iT Bra -LLBO US stock symbol). In Asia, many women either cannot access healthcare, or are unable to expose their bodies due to social, economic, or religious reasons. For women in many of these countries, discovery of the disease comes too late, and treatment is ineffective.
The iTBra contains two breast patches that detect circadian temperature changes within breast tissue. Anonymised data obtained from the iTBra is communicated directly to the Cyrcadia Health core lab for analysis via PC or smartphone.
Cyrcadia Asia operates under a strategic license and cooperation agreement with US-based Cyrcadia Inc to exclusively manufacture and commercialise the product for markets in Asia.