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Alias Born 02/16/2018

Re: KarlDieGlatze post# 3278

Sunday, 07/01/2018 3:03:02 PM

Sunday, July 01, 2018 3:03:02 PM

Post# of 3329
And, those 4 million stolen shares on the horizon seem to be AKBA shares which will dilute the value of the newly merged enterprise strengthening "that klarman" criminal's stake and while mitigating the unfair ratio being applied to kerx's share count causing them to magically go poof, and disappear.

Liebe Fred, as the litigation continues with your help don't forget to inform COUNSEL that "that klarman guy's" prior converts at "zero percent" was part of the "ruse" into making people believe he was giving capital away at zero cost!

Owners will continue to pay a most dear price with this financial thug, and looter in control or vastly influencing the decision making processes of this business' ongoing saga. IMO
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