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Alias Born 03/17/2017

Re: None

Thursday, 06/28/2018 2:04:21 PM

Thursday, June 28, 2018 2:04:21 PM

Post# of 1641
BSPM’s Delinquency Status

Read my friend's assessment about BSPM's delinquency status

Excerpt here:


Now I called NASDAQ today on 2018-06-28 12pm EST at +1 301 978 8008 and they told me they could not give me any specific information regarding any company’s filing status and I would need to have to wait until news are being presented. Persistent as I am, I asked her about their general procedure in these cases:

- What happens if NASDAQ accepts the plan after the 60 days (here after 6/18)?
- What happens if NASDAQ rejects the plan after the 60 days (here after 6/18)?

Here answer (by memory):

- If we accept the plan, Company has not to PR anything. They only need to PR and file the deficiency letter. We also do not PR or file anything in this case.
- If we deny the plan, in general we will send a delisting notice out within 5 days.


Today is the 8th business day or 10th calendar day after the 60 day deadline on 6/18.

One may want to adjust their risk / reward assessment the longer we get away from 6/18. IMHO, the delisting risk is already gone by now, at least this is my opinion.
