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Re: slambino post# 30

Friday, 06/22/2018 12:24:38 PM

Friday, June 22, 2018 12:24:38 PM

Post# of 58
LVVV has a system like this called 7X Pure, but i think they copied BLOCKstrain, which started a couple years earlier.

LVVV was planning to bring this type of system to the Cali market, but these guys already have the system in place and might become the name in Cali before LVVV even gets their tires spinning.

LVVV is also focused on building a grow operation and i dont think they have the manpower to do both in a timely manner. BLOCKstrain in focused and on moving fast on this idea.

This is how/why i found this stock. I knew, based on my LVVV DD, that this is a viable idea with massive potential.

My messages contain many opinions. Please do your own research
and validation.