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Friday, 06/15/2018 9:04:18 AM

Friday, June 15, 2018 9:04:18 AM

Post# of 6251
The Great Gun Debate: No Need to Trade Safety For Personal Freedom
June 15, 2018 By Editor
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In an age when there is incredible public pressure to prevent shootings and end firearm violence, companies that can create safe, secure environments through the use of better, smarter and more affordable technology stand to become valuable market leaders in the coming era.

Our review indicates that Patriot One Technologies Inc. (OTC: PTOTF) (TSX.V: PAT) has created a breakthrough technology designed to allow for the prevention of threats through the covert detection weapons. We look at the threat detection and safety sector to demonstrate the advances and Patriot One’s unique potential.

Patriot One Technologies: Greater Safety without Sacrificing Personal Freedom

Safety is one of the most important human needs and a primary behavioral motivator. It takes precedence over personal accomplishment, social recognition, the desire for wealth, and even the drive to be loved. [1] Further, the greater a perceived threat or overall level of danger, the more valuable safety and any marker of it is.

In today’s world, with mass shootings becoming a near common occurrence, public and private spaces the world over are being reevaluated for safety. Tourist attractions, casinos, hotel lobbies, movie theaters, schools, and even corporate buildings are looking to make their spaces safer- without resorting to gates, security staff, and traditional metal detectors. While their primary goal is safety, they also don’t want to inconvenience or alarm their patrons, customers, employees, or guests.

To this end, security companies are looking for ways to create technologies that fit seamlessly into the everyday experience but still increase the overall level of safety in a given space. These are not, however, anti-gun technologies specifically. The overarching goal of new security technologies has the noble aim of recognizing that not everyone with a gun or other weapons intends to use it for a malicious purpose.

Self-defense is a person’s right. Many people consider part of that to be the sole purpose of carrying a concealed weapon. The challenge is then to identify not these average citizens, but those who would be most likely to be involved in active shooter events and terrorist events. And then to do so without infringing upon the liberties provided to an average citizen.

Until very recently, there had never been a way to meet all of these goals with sufficient accuracy and discretion. Now, however, junior developer Patriot One Technologies is providing this solution. While there are other providers looking at the same space, not a single one has come close to delivering results, let alone a product ready to work at scale in the real world.

The State of Threat Detection Today

Threat detection relies on two main methods and not nearly as much technology as it could. Many solutions are antiquated, or, for reasons related to lack of information, personal bias, or budget, aren’t as effective as they should be. The most influential of these, however, is the cost of current systems.

Today, metal detectors and security personnel are the go-to threat prevention solutions. They not particularly efficient solutions and lend themselves to a significant amount of human error. They also come with a significant amount of bias. The sight of a metal detector or even a security guard can increase base fear levels in a person.

This is even true today, with mass shootings or suspected terrorist events in the news seemingly every single week. It may seem like an epidemic, but the truth is that mass shootings haven’t increased as much as we might think. If you look past “headline bias” and factor in how much more information is readily available today compared to ten years ago along with the raw data, what becomes apparent is that while these incidents have not increased in “epidemic” proportions, there has been a steady uptick.

Further, each and every incident is more deadly than it statistically would have been just ten years ago. Schools, in particular, are now seen as incredibly vulnerable places. Hospitals and medical centers are also becoming increasingly concerned, not just over the threat of a mass shooting, but over the risks of homicide and suicide. Threat detection is important for all of these reasons, but current technologies are lacking in what is necessary to prevent these things from happening. Or, at least, it has been. [2]

Addressing Public Freedom and Privacy Concerns

In response to this data, the general public does want better assurance of safety. Who wouldn’t? But things are never that simple. If you look at what’s happened to airport security, you will find that most people disprove of full-body scanners, even as they see they may be useful.

People want to keep their privacy, their civil liberties, their dignity intact. That is why discretion must be a priority. The point of a threat detection and security system isn’t to cause discomfort or alarm, it’s to deter or detect threats so they may be properly dealt with. The technology developed by Patriot One, discussed here, considers all of these concerns.

Security Budgets are Increasing

Like every other industry, security is becoming more technologically aware. Machine learning has developed to a sufficient degree where there are few places it cannot be applied to lighten the load and increase human accuracy. As processes become more efficient through the use of technology, businesses will see the benefits of switching over sooner rather than later.

With security, those benefits are made even more beneficial by the magnitude of improvement recently reached in the field of commercially available threat-detection solutions. This goes for both physical and digital threats. While a need for better cybersecurity may be the primary factor driving increased security budgets, physical security is a component of that. The easiest way to gain access to a “secure” system has always been to get physical access; a digital attack is harder to pull off in most cases.[3]

Patriot One: The Bleeding Edge of Safety Technologies

Patriot One is a company that doesn’t want to live in a world without weapons, but wants to create one where unlawful violence and use of weapons does not exist. The technologies they have developed are in line with that goal.

Beyond that, they take people into account when designing their technologies. How people react to them above all. These technologies are developed to work in any public space. They can be covertly installed in nearly any window, doorway, or open space. They can scan and identify a number of different threats, tag and track a potential threat and update security. This is advanced radar detection technology and machine learning at its finest. [4] [5]

Science-Based Beginnings

First funded by NATO and the Canadian Federal Government, Patriot One’s technology is incredibly advanced. It was originally meant to be developed to protect troops from “undetectable” threats. Now, that technology is available to nearly anyone in the world, who may a need it.

Without those initial grants and an army of brilliant minds, what they offer today would have still been years off. Now that it’s been done, however, the technology they have developed and advanced for these purposes is being rapidly refined. Its current average accuracy rate is 94% on its own. However, the more experience it gets and the more places it is installed, the faster we may see that number increase. [6]

The Tech Explained

PATSCAN CMR is a technology that allows any company to place a scanner in a non-visible space in a hallway, room, doorway, or just about anywhere. The units are small compared to “similar” solutions available, such as traditional metal detectors.

The scanners aim to find threats in the form of concealed weapons. Currently, this consists of a number of guns, knives, bombs, and soon IEDs and, potentially, fully disassembled weapons. The units do not capture images of the person or object being scanned, but can be linked to nearby cameras that may do so.

They are also integrated with machine learning software that becomes better at threat detection the longer it is active. This is a rapidly improving technology based on advanced, low-power “cognitive microwave radar” technology developed by Patriot One during the grant project mentioned above. [7]

Leveraging Technology and Integration Opportunities

This technology is very attractive as an upgrade anywhere security is required. It is also an attractive solution for spaces where other security solutions would be completely out of place or cause more problems than may be socially tolerable.

Compared to solutions currently in place, PATSCAN technology is less expensive, uses far less power, and can consist of multiple interconnected units. It does not slow down foot traffic or lines, it improves with time and is updated regularly. Very importantly, it does not require human operators.[8] [9]

Compliance, Recognition, and Patents

Patriot One’s PATSCAN-CMR has been granted clearance by the FCC and the CE Mark, both in less than a year. The technology was officially launched at the International Security Conference West, April 2017. There, it won an award for best new counter-terrorism and force protection product. This wasn’t an easy win and required the product to be evaluated by top security industry experts from around the world.

The CMR technology itself is currently patent pending. The specific utility applications and frequencies used by this product are also in the process of being locked down, thereby guaranteeing that Patriot One will have the most effective radar-based threat detection product on the market as alternative frequencies, though possible to use, are far less effective.[10]

Feature Company: For Comparison
Patriot One Technologies (OTC: PTOTF) (TSX.V: PAT)
Market Cap: $138.89M

Patriot One has developed industry-leading technology that aims to “Deter, “Detect, and Defend” the populace from potential threats and threat events in any public space. The company offers PATSCAN CMR, a cognitive microwave radar concealed weapons detection system to combat active shooter threats before they occur. Its solution is used for applications in public and private entrance points, and entrances to mobile environments.

5 Innovative Companies in the Safety and Threat Detection Space

The following companies are front-runners in the sensor and imaging space in general, and demonstrate how these technologies are now being successfully applied to threat detection.

FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR)
Market Cap: $7.31B

FLIR, based in Wilsonville, OR, is the world’s largest specialist in thermal imaging of all kinds. They are also a global leader in the design and manufacture of a handful of other types of sensors and sensor systems.

L3 Technologies (NYSE: LLL)
Market Cap: $15.37B

L-3 is a supply company for the defense and surveillance sectors. These products are designed and applied to a broad range of specific applications, but are typically broken down into three segments: aerospace, communication systems, and sensor systems.

Synaptics, Incorporated (NASDAQ: SYNA)
Market Cap: $1.44B

Focusing more on the software than the hardware, Synaptics is a California-based company that develops human interface hardware and software, including those that are used for biometric security purposes.

Analogic Corporation (NASDAQ: ALOG)
Market Cap: $1.05B

Known primarily for their advanced medical imaging, Analogic is also invested heavily in the aviation security arena. Compared to Patriot One, their current solutions for potential application in this area are slightly more accurate with perfect use, but are prone to more user error in the long term. They are also far from discrete.

Market Cap: $1.23B

OSI Systems, also based in California, is a company that specializes in security and inspection systems like those used in airport security situations. Their primary products involve metal detection using “standard” methods and X-ray technology.

Pro-Safety, Not “Anti-Gun”

Weapon detection and scanning technologies tread a fine line between being too restrictive, infringing on personal freedoms and being ineffective. Patriot One is heavily invested in finding the right balance. Part of that is in creating technology that governs itself, that is effective without too much human intervention or any invasive technologies. This provides a small layer of privacy.

They recognize that weapons are also tools to many people. In this way, they hope to create systems for identifying not only weapons, but how much of a threat they are likely to pose. This can be done through integration with other technologies, such as biometrics.

Patriot One’s PATSCAN technology offers a new and sophisticated approach to covert detection of threats by use of weapons. The system can be scaled for small to large size public environments.

Our Take: Patriot One is A Major Bridge To The Future Of Personal Safety

Current metal detection and threat detection methods are cumbersome for both the public to endure and organizations to implement. The public is concerned for their safety, yes, but they also don’t want to give up their personal freedoms and privacy in order to feel more secure. There has to be a better way- and there is.

What Patriot One has achieved is no small feat. It has taken years of research and is still being fine-tuned, but it is a breakthrough step forward in creating better, more discreet, less expensive safety systems for everyone. By integrating their patented technology with machine learning systems and some already existing safety solutions, it is possible to have a security system that requires far fewer security personnel, is all but invisible to anyone that uses it, and is just as if not more effective than what was available even a year ago.

We are convinced that technologies and approaches like the ones being applied by Patriot One are the bridge to a safer and secure future without constant threats. Let’s face it, we can’t get there fast enough…

USA News Group

Editorial Staff

Hat tip to Jeff Thomas