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Re: edward1981 post# 10208

Wednesday, 05/30/2018 3:37:12 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:37:12 PM

Post# of 12369
About 3 cents a share if I remember correctly. Like 8 years ago. What's the point? That's when fecof still had a potential mine and 25% of sc72. Now they have 8%!!

Do not confuse the 50 cents a share for each forum share back then. With the shares of fecof. Forum/fel had something like 33 mil shares outstanding. And fecof has like 410 mil shares.... so it was likereceiving .035 a share for fecof. Al that money is gone and you know the rest. What point are you trying to make?? Being upset and having a temper tantrum is not an investment strategy. If it gets drilled we make lots of money. If it doesn't you lose everything in this investment. Very simple.