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Alias Born 05/20/2008

Re: la_trader post# 48619

Wednesday, 05/30/2018 3:36:46 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:36:46 PM

Post# of 179242
Right you are LA...

RNVA Jamestown, are running operations in a current normal and professional manner, as a full-service hospital and associated physician clinical offices. Current HIPAA standing and NPI.

This is very confidence inspiring from a stock buying investment perspective because you are buying the real thing here, not a scam or shell or some CEO selling shares just to sell shares. If one does not see these key differences with RNVA, one should not be trading. :D

IMO- It does not matter what any company has done or not done in the past 2016-2017. Today is now and now is today. Today and forward is what we invest in, not yesterday and the past.

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