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Alias Born 03/10/2011

Re: Keno2008 post# 5069

Sunday, 05/27/2018 9:59:08 PM

Sunday, May 27, 2018 9:59:08 PM

Post# of 5086
Already cashed out it CYPE.
Currently holding LRDR and AXMP

They are also How Arcaro custodianship/RM.

WSML is very, very likely to get another run because of Mandla Gwadiso at Palewater Global Management.

Unfortunately, I am not liquid enough to enter WSML, while balancing averages in CMGO-- a $280,000,000M RICO Civil suit.

(The defendant will likely settle. We just don't know how large the settlement will be. IMO, the defendants will agree to a settlement to prevent RICO prosecution.).
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