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Re: $$DodgerTrader post# 110722

Wednesday, 05/23/2018 2:19:08 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:19:08 AM

Post# of 226984
Wow, what a

So, what do you think? Ya think any of this stuff should be reported to the SEC or not? Please do critique anything of the following so as to help me edit what is wrong.

I mean, are JTs Tweets like PRs as some say they are? (Thanks jr20!!). Which means the "SAFE HARBOR DISCLAIMERS" on ANY of JTs Tweets as there are in his PRs are not protected legally!! wink

Imho, I think much of the following falls into this category for an SEC Complaint:

False or misleading statements about a company (including false or misleading SEC reports or financial statements)

Remember, he was already fined by the SEC for much the same thing and, of course, blamed someone else.

The Commission announced today that on June 7, 2001 the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida entered final judgments against Trans-Global Holdings, Inc., located in Des Plaines, Illinois, Jacques Verhaak, who was a director of Trans-Global residing in Memphis Tennessee, China Food and Beverage Company, located in Kew Gardens, New York, and James Tilton, who is the president and a director of China Food residing in Whitestone, New York, finding the defendants had violated the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws by issuing false and misleading press releases during May and June 1999. The Court ordered Verhaak to pay a civil penalty of $15,000 and Tilton to pay a civil penalty of $37,500.The defendants consented to entry of the final judgments without admitting or denying the Court's findings.

The Court found in the final judgment that the defendants violated the anti-fraud provisions of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 by issuing the false and misleading press releases, and ordered Verhaak and Tilton to pay civil penalties. In the same case, the Court previously entered a permanent injunction on August 11, 2000 against defendants DiMarco and The Globus Group, and ordered them to disgorge $225,000 of profits from their fraudulent activities and to pay civil penalties of $75,000 each.

On June 18, 2001, the Commission also issued settled cease-and-desist orders against China Food, Tilton, Trans-Global and Verhaak finding the defendants had violated the anti-fraud provisions of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 based on the same facts alleged in the civil case. The Commission ordered that China Food, Tilton, Trans-Global and Verhaak cease and desist from committing or causing violations of the Exchange Act provisions cited above.
[underling mine]

(Marketwired - Mar 13, 2017) - Net Savings Link, Inc. ( OTC : NSAV )
The new company will be headquartered out of Naomi Village Resort, a sprawling 30 acre resort and spa, located in the world renowned Poconos region of Pennsylvania. Naomi Village Resort is owned and operated by NSAV affiliate, China Food and Beverage Company (OTC: CHIF). CHIF has already announced the intention to convert Naomi Village Resort into a medical cannabis wellness center, dispensary and in time, a medical cannabis testing laboratory and cultivation operation.

NSAV also announced that it will continue to be an SEC fully reporting company. The Company believes it can be current on its SEC filings within the next 30 days, depending on the schedules of the auditors and attorneys.

And this, shortly after the above, a "Grow Plan Operaton" concerning Naomi Village Resort property:

The complete Power Point Presentation is now available at

The link in that PR is now invalid.

(1) The property of Naomi Village Reosrt, the very basis of the MJ operation and "Grow Plan" was in was based around property THAT WAS IN FORECLOUSRE AT THE TIME OF THE PR (Investors weren't made aware of that)!! Naomi Village Resort was sold on May 24, 2017 (just a little over TWO MONTHS following that PR!) at bank auction for $325,000 (the debt on the property was $1,800,000+)! According to "Yelp" Naomi Village Resort has since been "Permanetly Closed"!
From Google: "Naomi Village is recorded closed at this location. If it's incorrectly closed, please report it."

NSAV Holding, Inc.
Can't promise for 2017, but for next year, should be able to hold NSAV's annual shareholder meeting at the newly refurbished Naomi.
8:27 AM - 18 Jun 2017

(2) Not only did he later DE-LIST with the SEC after that PR but the company is now NOT EVEN OTC CURRENT!!

We will be SEC Current very quickly.
2:16 PM - 9 Jul 2017

As of today are we are NOT "SEC Current" but not even "OTC Current"!!

(3) CEO Tweeted that the OTC "Stop Sign" would be "gone forever" however, we are currently with STOP SIGN yet again.

Maybe this is better. The stop sign is about to be removed FOREVER and will NEVER be back. Just a few more days. My personal guaranty.
6:39 AM - 9 Aug 2017

Current or I'll resign. Guaranteed.
10:22 AM - 11 Jun 2017

6:48 AM - 11 Aug 2017

Financials will soon be uploaded and the stop sign will be gone.
6:47 AM - 11 Aug 2017

Stop sign removal is nearly there. Never to return.
4:16 AM - 16 Aug 2017

Then, we are rid of the stop sign FOREVER.
5:56 AM - 18 Aug 2017

Stop sign just about history. My personal guaranty.
11:58 AM - 23 Aug 2017

Sorry I couldn't Tweet yesterday. I was busy with the OTC Markets affairs, in order to get rid of that dreaded stop sign immediately.
6:14 AM - 23 Aug 2017

5:57 AM - 25 Aug 2017

We are nearly there folks. Current financials and stop sign about to be gone.
5:56 AM - 25 Aug 2017

6:20 AM - 30 Aug 2017

Everything is in place to remove the stop sign.
6:19 AM - 30 Aug 2017

6:36 AM - 31 Aug 2017

Then the stop sign is gone.
6:36 AM - 31 Aug 2017

(4) A company "Re-organization" the CEO spoke (Which changed the name to "NSAV Holding, Inc." was not accepted by, I believe, Finra and we reverted back to being "Net Savings Link, Inc." with the debt he was attempting to be rid of wasn't allowed. (CEO said we were "Debt Free" in Tweets.)

Anyway, the reorganization took care of all the debts and liabilities.
5:09 AM - 25 Aug 2017

In case you missed the PR today, basically the Delaware Reorganization makes your public company 100% debt free.
8:24 AM - 2 Jun 2017

All of the debts run up by the previous managements are no longer in NSAV Holding, Inc. The new NSAV. This is great for all shareholders.
8:27 AM - 2 Jun 2017

And best of all, your new public company is 100% debt free.
6:22 AM - 5 Jun 2017

The "New company", "NSAV Holding, Inc. "Re-Organization", ultimately, was rejected by Finra, I believe it was, and the company (and debt) reverted back to Net Savings Link, Inc. Debt was eventually paid off however.

(5) CEO said in Tweets that we will be "DTC Eligible very soon" but we are not. A year or so later.

It is the DTC eligibility that is prohibiting people from buying NSAV. Much more that the stop sign. I will get NSAV DTC eligible very soon.
10:33 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

I think the DTC eligibility will be major news and a great help to all NSAV shareholders. I'll get it done.
10:34 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

It is the DTC eligibility that is prohibiting people from buying NSAV. Much more that the stop sign. I will get NSAV DTC eligible very soon.
10:33 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

I will meet with this DTC eligibility company and see what can be done asap and report back to you.
10:31 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

Because NSAV is not DTC eligible, it shows up like a chill and that is why so many cannot trade the stock. Those are the facts.
10:30 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

Your prior two CEO's, who obviously had better things to do, never applied for NSAV to be DTC eligible. Therefore, NSAV is not DTC eligible
10:27 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

There has never been a chill placed on NSAV. That is coming from a top DTC chill removing company. Chills are very bad and usually for fraud
10:26 AM - 11 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.

As far as the DTC chill that everyone is emailing me about. Again, a complete misrepresentation by the basher's and fraudsters.
10:24 AM - 11 Jun 2017

(6) NSAV was PRed as partnering with breweries in Mendocino and Sarasota. However, a few months later BOTH breweries closed.

The name of the brewery that will be working with us for your Tiger Hemp Beer is the Mendocino Brewing Company ( )
11:17 AM - 19 Oct 2017

Feb 14
Last week, a shareholder Tweeted that Mendocino and it's other brewery in Saratoga, NY have ceased operations. I was as shocked as you were and I had no idea about that at all.

He PRed our domestic brewers, Mendocino Brewery along with Saratoga Brewery in NY, but they both closed their doors shorty thereafter!

Feb 14
I will be contacting Mendocino's lawyer, Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass, in San Francisco today to discuss a settlement. I will keep you informed as always.

Feb 14
Yashpal also informed me that the assets of Mendocino are for sale for $ 7 million and Saratoga for $ 4.5 million. That was good to hear in the event that I decide to sue them.

Feb 14
I informed Yashpal that by not informing NSAV immediately upon knowing they could not produce our Hemp Beer has caused months of delays and has caused NSAV serious damage and I want to discuss immediate compensation.

Feb 14
Yashpal informed me that the decision to close Mendocino was made around the holidays and he was shocked that Maha never informed NSAV. He said he was meeting with Maha on Monday (two days ago) and would get to the bottom of this.

Feb 14
On Friday, I placed and urgent telephone call to Mendocino's CEO, Yashpal Singh. He informed me that he had retired at the end of September and Maha was in charge. Yashpal is still listed as CEO on Mendocino's OTC Markets website for whatever reason.

Feb 14
Really Marc, did I have something to do with Mendocino shutting down? Also not informing me. I don't believe that I am an officer, director or shareholder of Mendocino.

Feb 14
and even more so with the holidays. I had no reason to suspect they were planning to shut down. I have all the emails from them to support my position.

Feb 14
Last week, a shareholder Tweeted that Mendocino and it's other brewery in Saratoga, NY have ceased operations. I was as shocked as you were and I had no idea about that at all.

Anyone who read up on Mendocino should have KNOWN they were in financial trouble even as far back as this would have known that both those breweries were in trouble about two years ago (May 27, 2016!!)

(7) CEO Tweeted that our parters brewery in China brewed our beer in time for the Chinese New Year but, turns out, all the CEO there did was put our labels on full bottles of Henieken's "Tiger Beer". He admitted it.

Bottom line. NSAV has successfully bottled the first hemp beer in China and it tastes fantastic. Huge potential. Samples on the way to the U.S. asap.

1:25 AM - 5 Mar 2018
NSAV Holding, Inc.
Bottom line, I didn't make the call to use the Tiger Beer bottles for our Angry Tiger Hemp Beer, Mr. Cao did.
2:07 AM - 5 Mar 2018

Bottom line. NSAV has successfully bottled the first hemp beer in China and it tastes fantastic. Huge potential. Samples on the way to the U.S. asap.
1:25 AM - 5 Mar 2018

NSAV Holding, Inc.
Anyway, the lawyers can deal with Heineken. I'm not worried.
2:22 AM - 5 Mar 2018

This has made Heineken even more angry and they sent me another threaten letter last week. Maybe that's why Mr. Cao used the Tiger Beer bottles.
1:21 AM - 5 Mar 2018

Yes, we all know we would have liked to be in stores and bars for Chinese New Year, but it didn't happen. However, no matter what time of the year, China is still the largest beer consumer in the world and that is what counts.
12:58 AM - 5 Mar 2018

NSAV Holding, Inc.
I was as surprised as anyone when I awoke Wednesday morning and saw the photos of our Angry Tiger Hemp Beer in bottles.
1:56 AM - 5 Mar 2018

Unfortunately, due to the new year, Mr. Cao said there were no label printers and bottle suppliers open until after the new year or close to the end. He gave me a date of March 7 to 9 to have the first hemp beer bottled. We were all disappointed.
12:55 AM - 5 Mar

I hear our detractors are creating quite a stir because I kept my promise and had Hemp Beer bottled in China while it was still Chinese New Year.
12:48 AM - 5 Mar 2018

Today is still Chinese New Year, albeit the last day. Therefore I kept my promise of having Hemp Beer bottled in China by Chinese New Year.
6:32 AM - 2 Mar 2018

(6) The CEO recinds the acquision of Naomi Village Resort with his other company (CHIF) and makes it RETROACTIVE 6 months in the past!


NSAV Holding, Inc.
We will not only provide photos, but videos as well, from site preparation to groundbreaking to completion.
5:03 AM - 16 Jun 2017[/quoe]
No photos nor videos to date!

(8) Apparent CEO threats to those shareholders speaking the truth as they see it:

NSAV Holding, Inc.
Problem is, these fraudsters don't have the guts to face you or I anywhere.
8:29 AM - 18 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.
Sorry Max and Jerry, but you will definitely receive and invitation to the NSAV 2018 shareholder meeting at Naomi resort. Basher's too.
8:29 AM - 18 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.
Forget court or a back alley, these cowards won't even face me on Twitter. How gutless. Am I making you basher's angry?
8:14 AM - 18 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.
The minute the revenues for even one of these deals comes out, they won't even be able to afford the $ 100. for their parents basement.
8:12 AM - 18 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.
These paid basher's operate out of their parent's basements for the most part. Total losers. They are scared of me, not the other way.
8:09 AM - 18 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.
I am the CEO and will be for many years to come. It is my job to protect you from these imbeciles and I will. They are cowards. That's all.
8:08 AM - 18 Jun 2017

NSAV Holding, Inc.
I know you loyal shareholders feel that every time I attack the basher's or I-Hub, it hurts the PPS % causes dumping. That is what they want
8:06 AM - 18 Jun 2017

Oh hell, sorry as I might have messed up a bit with all trying to gather together all the huge amount of BS JT has spewed PRed! Thank Gawd Tweets are not protected with that "Safe Harbor" BS!

My posts are JMOs and musings. “You can’t trust anyone,” Sykes said. “The companies are trying to get their stock up so they can raise money and stay in business...most penny stocks are scams that are created to enrich insiders.”