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Alias Born 03/30/2006


Re: Toofuzzy post# 862

Thursday, 04/05/2018 8:44:57 PM

Thursday, April 05, 2018 8:44:57 PM

Post# of 907
I trade with TOS .....Think or Swim

bring up Think or Swim
click on MarketWatch ( 5th to right ) at top of page
you can list stocks you want to trade in MarketWatch
click on buy or sell side of ticker and will bring up link at bottom of page

you will see....Order Entry Tool......

lower will show order can change it as you wish
just like you normally do
at bottom of page will show any working orders or orders which did not go tru

by clicking on Monitor will show any orders pending or holdings
if you have any questions will be more than glad to help

best of luck to you


which ever way the HERD goes....GO the other way