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Alias Born 03/12/2015

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Sunday, 03/25/2018 9:50:35 AM

Sunday, March 25, 2018 9:50:35 AM

Post# of 68
They sold 60 million tokens in the ICO at a price of 1, 1.25, and 1.5 dollars. That should be make somewhere on the order of 75 million US dollars. That is a great start for AML Bitcoin. The currency will be publicly traded soon at the HitBTC platform under the symbol ABTC. As of right now, it is not trading yet.

Remember that this currency will benefit from goverment regulations since it is specifically designed for compliance purposes so it can be used and tracked by goverment for Anti Money Laundering (AML) and others. That is why it is called AML Bitcoin.

Keep an Eye on AML Bitcoin when it launches. This could be Huge.