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Monday, 03/19/2018 2:17:23 PM

Monday, March 19, 2018 2:17:23 PM

Post# of 106837

Amazing article to me, written just recently on 7/27/2017. Quite a stunning read ...but more important, is LOOK WHO THE AUTHOR/EDITORS of said article name by name....NONE OTHER THAN "U.S. Stem Cell" and..and..and.."Ageless Regenerative Institute"....gee, wonder who's affiliated with, or was "connected" to good ole "Ageless Regenerative Insitute" ?

Article in its entirety:
Beware Scam “Clinical Trials” That Ask You to Pay Money for Unproven Therapies

Beth Skwarecki, 7/27/2017

Clinical trials are how we test new medicines and therapies, and they can be a boon to patients: if current treatments haven’t worked for you, you can help to test out a new one. And as thanks for being a guinea pig, your medical costs are paid and you may even get some extra compensation.

But sketchy stem-cell clinics are now using the National Institutes of Health’s clinical trials registry,, as a platform to advertise their pricey services. Ars Technica reports here on the findings from an analysis published in Regenerative Medicine that calls out problematic studies found on the site.

The registry is still legit—it’s an important way for scientists to keep track of trials—but some of the listings on it are from stem-cell clinics that charge patients to participate, and do not have approval from the FDA to test their treatments. Some describe themselves with words like “patient funded,” while others don’t explain that you have to pay until you’re signing up for the trial.

Pay-to-participate studies are fraught with ethical problems and often don’t make for good scientific findings anyway. They tend not to be published in peer-reviewed journals, they don’t compare the treatment with a placebo (nobody would pay thousands for a fake treatment, after all), and sometimes the scientific study never happens.

The problematic listings include studies by Ageless Regenerative Institute, Cell Surgical Network, Kimera Society Inc, Retina Associates of South Florida, MD Stem Cells, and StemGenix. StemGenix is currently facing a fraud lawsuit, and earlier this year three people lost their vision after paying US Stem Cell $5000 for stem-cell treatments that were listed as clinical trials.

There isn’t a surefire way to avoid sketchy clinics, but it’s good to be wary of “clinical trials” that ask you to pay a fee for your treatment."


ONE HELL OF A SCATHING AND STUNNING piece of investigative journalism if you ask me...and LOOKY WHO IT NAMES AND DISCUSSES....SHAZAM-o-WAMO !

QUOTE BELOW from that article authored by Comella and Dr Sharon McQuillian M.D. : (Referring to Kristin Comella of USRM of course. Stemlogix is Comella’s old “veterinary-animal stem cell company” she formed as a FL LLC and ran from her home address, just check Florida Secretary of State website, and “Ageless Regenerative Institute LLC” is another LLC that Comella helped form with Dr Sharon McQuillian M.D. of FL, with whom Comella was “partners”, Comella originally hired by McQuillian as a “consultant” in 2009 while still working for Bioheart. See Broward County Court Case of McQuillian and Ageless versus Comella…all explained in great, great detail in that lengthy court case filing). McQuillian and Comella co-owned a 3rd LLC, called “Laboratory Kits LCC” which they also formed together, and was the first one where Kristin had her momma Mary Comella making the “stem cell extraction and processing KITS” from the janitorial supply biz named Pavillion Foods Inc (aka Palm Supply) of Holiday FL, which is momma and daddy Comella’s lil company. Then, CEO Tomas of USRM, was gonna “buy-out” a little quick-formed LLC they created to self-deal, one called Pavillion Scientific LLC, run by Rachel Comella, Kristin’s sister….it’s part of the Tomas/Comella version of “ALL IN THE FAMILY”…LOL….more sub and sub-sub self dealing little micro LLC’s than one can find in a bad ant hill if you ask me….OTC-ville special series….beyond the pale IMO…..

" She is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Stemlogix, LLC and Chief Scientific Officer of the Ageless Regenerative Institute. "

AGELESS and Comella....they got a two-for in that article above- she's connected to U.S. Stem Cell Inc (and the clinic U.S. Stem Cell Clinic LLC ) of course and...and...and was part of creating "Ageless Regenerative Institute", with her old pal Dr. Sharon McQuillan..AND..AND..and was then SUED BY Dr. McQuillian over alleged mal-doings at the ole Institute....a real juicy lawsuit if one reads the 100's of pages of filings and discovery done by McQuillian's attorney...oh yeah baby...the gift that keeps on giving..LOL...

Here's a "article" the two wrote and published together (Kristin Comella and Dr Sharon McQuillian of the "Ageless Regenerative Institute" THEY CREATED TOGETHER):

Ding...ding....ding..... Comella makes the hit parade another scathing water baby....turn up the heat.....

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