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Alias Born 05/06/2014

Re: doogdilinger post# 33255

Friday, 03/09/2018 11:28:53 AM

Friday, March 09, 2018 11:28:53 AM

Post# of 38634

Yep it's done all over the markets and nothing will ever be done about because the mm's just claim they have to make a market right

Market Maker are legally allowed to naked short.

It's (I believe) the reality behind the pathetic saying "filling the gap"

It's because when a stock pops on good news and people keep buying higher and higher the MM may not have enough stock to fill the void, so he "sells short" without having the stock... but then when the fever breaks and it's possible, the MM brings the price back down to buy for himself in order to cover stock he sold short.

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